Sunday, June 5, 2011

At least 22 dead and 350 injured in protest at Syria-Israel border

.- At least 22 Syrian and Palestinian demonstrators, including a child, were killed and another 350 were wounded by gunfire from Israeli soldiers trying to cross the border between Syria and Israel, Syrian state television said. The chain, which earlier spoke of thirteen killed and 225 wounded, said the wounded included several women.

The station said that young Syrians and Palestinians have decided to start a strike at Quneitra on the Golan Heights in southwestern Syria, where thousands of people have come to participate in it. Also, residents of the town of Magdal Shams in the same area faced "the forces of occupation".

The television showed live footage of dozens of demonstrators lighting fires in the area. Previously, the station had taught dozens of demonstrators trying to enter the occupied and some of them removing the barbed wire separating the two territories. Could also see images of people protesting, throwing stones and pray in the towns of Ain el Tina and Quneitra, and Israeli troops responding to the protests with tear gas and shots into the air.

It is the first time that the regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad allows to reach the border with Israel protests to mark the day of Naksa (defeat in Arabic), as known to the Six Day War of 1967 in Israel occupied part of the Golan Heights, Gaza, West Bank, East Jerusalem and the Egyptian Sinai.

On 15 May, two people were killed and 170 wounded, according to Syrian television, during the celebration in this country the day of the Nakba (catastrophe in Arabic), day in which Palestinians remember his exile after the founding of State of Israel on May 14, 1948.

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