I started from the revolutions in the Mediterranean, a subject on which there is much to be said and on which other, more prepared, they have written and write better than I can. What interested me, however, was to make a nice red circle around something else, which is itself a revolution. A revolution that before being political or economic, and social and cultural.
That something is difficult to define but easy to spot. Andrea Vitullo, in his essay Leadershit - Scrap the mystique of leadership and make room in the world, called it a play on words - exactly - leadershit. This definition may seem provocative (and perhaps a bit it is) but has the advantage of clarification is what the author thinks the old way of being a leader: dung.
That something is difficult to define but easy to spot. Andrea Vitullo, in his essay Leadershit - Scrap the mystique of leadership and make room in the world, called it a play on words - exactly - leadershit. This definition may seem provocative (and perhaps a bit it is) but has the advantage of clarification is what the author thinks the old way of being a leader: dung.