Sunday, April 10, 2011

Toshiba wants to dismantle the plant in Fukushima in ten years

Japan's Minister of Industry was to go on Saturday April 9 at the Fukushima nuclear power plant. This is the first member of the center-left to visit the north-east of the archipelago devastated by the terrible earthquake and the giant tsunami of 11 March. The balance sheet, still provisional, the national police stood Saturday at 12 876 confirmed dead and 14,865 missing, whose bodies were probably swept out to sea by the tsunami.

Banki Kaieda be wearing a special suit to meet with hundreds of workers and technicians who are fighting day and night for more than four weeks to avoid a nuclear catastrophe, which could be worse than Chernobyl in 1986. A spokesman for the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), responsible for 59 nuclear reactors in Japan, said that Mr.

Kaieda wanted to see for himself the operations are conducted in Central. The Minister should also visit the J-Village, a large sports complex that serves as a base for staff working at the plant. These buildings are located within the exclusion zone of 20 km around the site where residents were evacuated because of high levels of radioactivity.

Toshiba has offered to disband by 2020 nuclear power plant in Fukushima, reports the Japanese financial daily Nikkei. The proposal, sent to the plant operator, Tokyo Electric Power (TEPCO), as well as Meti, was developed jointly by three American companies, Westinghouse Electric (owned by Toshiba), Babcock & Wilcox and the Shaw Group .

Such companies have already participated in the remediation of the damaged reactor at the nuclear plant at Three Mile Island, United States, suffered an accident in 1979, the newspaper said. Toshiba and its partners are adjusting their proposal based on the evolving situation in Fukushima, whose engines are always unstable, says Nikkei.

Hitachi has teamed with U.S. companies General Electric, Bechtel and others to help solve the crisis in Fukushima, should also make a proposal for the decommissioning of the plant. But the government said it would be premature to fix now a specific framework for ending the nuclear crisis, the worst since Chernobyl in 1986.

The government spokesman, Yukio Edano, acknowledged Friday that the situation remained "unstable" in Fukushima and it was difficult in these conditions for a timetable for dismantling the plant. The plant operator, Tokyo Electric Power (TEPCO), has also decided on Thursday to inject several days of nitrogen in the reactor 1 in order to prevent a hydrogen explosion.

The same could be applied to reactors 2 and 3. Finally, the operations of voluntary dismissal in the Pacific Ocean from 11 500 tons of slightly radioactive water, according to TEPCO, had ended Saturday night.

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