Sunday, April 10, 2011

Gadhafi forces push to rebel Ajdabiya

Forces loyal to Colonel Muammar Gadhafi pushed the rebels into Ajdabiya, in eastern Libya, artillery strike on the eve of a new diplomatic mobilization to seek a ceasefire. Insurgents morning came dozens of kilometers of Brega, but were shot shells and rockets, which forced them to retreat to the east.

At least 10 loud explosions were heard around Ajdabiya, while loyalist forces bombarded the insurgents in their retreat. After a violent explosion, several witnesses said was a NATO airstrike. NATO denied it, saying that none of its planes attacked Saturday in Ajdabiya. Ajdabiya capture Libyan military would give a platform to attack the main rebel stronghold, the city of Benghazi, to which dozens of vehicles left in the afternoon.

At the end of the day, insurgents still controlled eastern Ajdabiya. According to some people, was isolated clashes in different parts of the city. NATO warplanes intercepted a MiG-23 piloted by a maverick Libyan violated the no-fly zone, and forced him to land, said an official of NATO.

"The MiG-23 made no aggressive move" and the forces NATO was simply forced to land at the aerodrome where it came from Benin, said the official who requested anonymity. Today is expected to arrive in Libya a group of African leaders, namely, South African President Jacob Zuma and his counterparts in Congo, Mali, Mauritania and Uganda, who met Saturday night in Nouakchott.

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