Monday, March 14, 2011

Growing tension in Fukushima nuclear plant

The fear that a nuclear explosion occurs in Japan rose on Sunday at noon when I Fukushima plant exceeded legal limits of radiation, so that China's authorities are on high alert. The Tokyo Electric Power Co., the plant manager, confirmed that the radiation reaching the 882 micro sieverts (unit used to measure radiation doses absorbed by living matter), when the highest permissible level is 500 micro sieverts.

According to Japanese news agency Kyodo, with this 'heightened fears of radiation leaks at the plant, for cooling systems still blocked' because of the earthquake of 8.9 degrees on Friday devastated the northeast of Japan. 'The reactor is now in process of releasing radioactive steam, "said Japanese government spokesman, Yukio Edan.

The official also informed that so far 19 people have been hospitalized after being exposed to radioactivity. The excess steam on Saturday blew the roof and walls of one of the reactors at the Fukushima plant I, although officials say there is no damage to the container box steel reactor.

Tokyo Electric Power reported that on Sunday began new operations include cooling the reactor filled with sea water and pour boric acid. Meanwhile, the authorities extended from 10 to 20 km radius of the evacuation area for residents living near nuclear plants in Fukushima.

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