Thursday, June 2, 2011

Argentina .- The justice process and to seize the assets of three pilots of the "death flights"

BUENOS AIRES, Argentina 2 Jun. Justice on Thursday processed three drivers - who also has arrested several items - a lawyer and a Navy exsuboficial for their involvement in so-called "death flights" , according to judicial sources reported. The move by Judge Sergio Torres, head of the National Court of Federal Criminal No.

12, affecting the Coast Guard pilots Alejandro Domingo D'Agostino, José Enrique Mario De Saint Georges and Daniel Arru, the former Navy Petty Officer Ricardo Rubén Ormello and attorney Carlos Dalmacio Torres de Tolosa. All are charged with the murder of the French nuns Alice Domon and Leonie Duquet, which occurred on December 14, 1977 in one of the "death flights" annihilation strategy applied during military dictatorship (1976-1983), with alive from airplanes throwing his opponents to die by drowning in the sea.

The justice also ordered the three pilots seize assets estimated at 56 million pesos (9.4 million euros), according to sources cited by the web 'Gazeta Mercantil. " The five defendants must remain in custody, as determined Torres, one of the judges by the famous 'megacauses' of the School of Naval Mechanics (ESMA) in Buenos Aires, the largest jail clandestine military dictatorship .

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