Friday, May 27, 2011

Twitter and now chief adviser to Obama also

Nobody panic. Dick Costolo Twitter will continue to lead. But Barack Obama has just given the popular chief executive of a new liability product, by integrating on the committee that advises the U.S. president on security in telecommunications. He considers his "great talent" and experience are key to national security.

While Obama used Twitter as a major weapons campaign that opened the door of the Oval Office, the service now claims to Costolo will stick to the body known as National Security Telecommunications Advisory Committee (NSTAC), which for a quarter century brings together thirty top executives linked to telecommunications and members of the Administration.

Input and recommendations of this committee of experts will serve after the White House to develop policies to preserve national communications, particularly in times of crisis. Among the new faces to serve on this committee is also of David DeWalt, current president of antivirus firm McAfee.

Dick Costolo is one of the most important figures in Silicon Valley, the universe with which Washington is trying to establish a close relationship of trust and collaboration, which is staged with constant comings and goings of its executives to the White House. And the titans of the tech sector are also interested in having politicians in their structure, because it opens doors.

Costolo, which in October was promoted to CEO after Evan Williams ceded command, was one of the guests at the dinner that Barack Obama offered the larger of the new digital era, in which Steve Jobs also shared table ( Apple), Eric Schmidt (Google), Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook), Larry Ellison (Oracle) and Carol Bartz (Yahoo).

Before Twitter take the lead, he served as director of operations for the social platform since it is often catapult to the top executives. Twitter landed in just two years after working for Google, which came after the Mountain View giant bought FeedBurner, the dot-com he co-founded in 2004.

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