Sunday, March 6, 2011

The imaginary enemy

Three days ago was killed in Islamabad, the minister for religious minorities Shabbazz Bhatti. It is only the latest of a series of attacks, matrix-Taliban Pakistan, which for some years the bloodshed in Pakistan. The Americans are chasing an imaginary danger managed to create one real. However this is a constant of their foreign policy of the last quarter century.

The Taliban was born in Afghanistan but in Pakistan by Fazlur Rehman, leader of a fundamentalist party Jamat-e-Ulema Islam, which recruited its supporters among the students of Madras (Talib means student). But it was a peaceful movement, so much so that supported the government of Benazir Bhutto.

Become armed in Afghanistan to fight the "war lords", the legendary commander who had defeated the Soviet colossus, Masood, Ismail Khan, Heckmatyar, Dostum, but who were engaged in a fierce struggle for power, had become with their subjected bands extortionists, rapists, murderers, who acted in the fullest will in any way harassing the population.

Mullah Omar and his young "warriors of Allah", with the support of the population who could not take any more, in just two years by defeating the warlords, they will drive them across the border and take power. After September 11 the Americans invaded Afghanistan under the pretext of taking bin Laden.

In truth Osama the Taliban if they were found in the house, was before the birth of their movement, brought him the noble Masood to help him defeat his eternal enemy Heckmatyar. But this mattered little to Americans. It easily won the war (the Taliban are in a situation militarily untenable on the ground in front of men have equal valiant warrior, the mujahideen of the Northern Alliance, but their lines are constantly swept by the bombs of the B52 unreachable) occupy the 'Afghanistan.

But just escaped from the engine, Mullah Omar is able to organize a resistance that is revealed each year, more and more leathery. While bending of the Americans attack Pakistan tribal areas in the territory where they suspect, rightly, that they hide the guerrilla leader. But so cute the Taliban Pakistan, which had been peaceful, and will ultimately ignite Pakistan.

Under pressure from the U.S. military attacks on Pakistani tribal areas of Balochistan and Waziristan, beginning in 2007. Sometimes they use the same aircraft, straying from Afghanistan, a bomb directly. But the straw that finally an overflow tank is already filled with an offensive of unprecedented violence that the Pakistani army, under the direction of General David Petraeus occult, launches on May 5, 2009 in the Swat valley popolosissima (pace those who said that Pakistan supports the Taliban).

After the first week of bombing the dead do not count. You can instead count the refugees. There are one million. Become two following days. Hundreds of young people from refugee camps in Pakistan, that there had never thought about it, declare themselves ready to become suicide bombers.

Since then Pakistan is in flames. It is not yet in Afghanistan, but this could happen. Only, between Afghanistan and Pakistan there is a substantial difference. Afghanistan, armed as it is so antediluvian, does not constitute a danger to anyone, even if the Taliban would return to power.

Pakistan has the atom. If the fundamentalists in Pakistan, unlike the Afghan Taliban whose horizon stops in Kabul, have, for the history of their country as a regional power, a geopolitical vision that goes beyond its borders, were to win a day in Islamabad, would be very serious trouble .

For everyone. , March 5, 2011

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