Friday, June 10, 2011

Gadhafi accused soldiers of rape

The International Court of Justice in The Hague is investigating a new aspect of Moammar Gadhafi organized repression against popular revolts: ordering the rape of women. The allegations of mass rape perpetrated in Libya are not new. But Luis Moreno Ocampo, chief prosecutor of the Court: "We have information indicating that Gaddafi himself authorized to punish the population." The lawyer explained to the Security Council United Nations, the Libyan leader to his troops would have provided medicines to enhance sexual assault.

"Several aspects of our investigations confirm the purchase of Viagra-type substances which increase the likelihood of a violation massive. " Gadhafi able to attribute to the authorship of the orders, Ocampo accused of mass rape as a weapon of war. In May, as the judges requested the arrest of the leader for crimes against humanity.


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