Thursday, May 5, 2011

Syria, army raids and roundups More than 300 arrests in Saqba

A demonstrator displays a placard with the words: "Assad, a cat with Israel, a lion against his people," The Syrian regime is preparing to face a new "Angry" and makes a clean sweep of dissidents ready to ride. General Riad Haddad announced today that the Syrian army will begin to withdraw from Dera, the city's south theater of anti-government demonstrations.

"The army has completed its mission to Dara and begin to withdraw troops in the coming hours" - said the general director of political department of the Syrian army -. This will be done gradually and resume normal life in this city, "he added. However the night hundreds of Syrian soldiers in battle dress have arrested over 300 people in the suburb of Saqba, just outside Damascus.

"They took advantage of the dark," said a human rights activist, "had a list of individuals and have gone house to house to find them. In all 150 have been. " According to an eyewitness, quoted by al-Arabiya satellite television, "they cut off communications before entering. There was no resistance.

The demonstrations were peaceful Saqba. According to the organization Insan, 15 March - when he began protesting against the clan of President Bashar al-Assad - 8 thousand dissidents are jailed. Health status of most of them leave the scheme does not leak any information. Meanwhile, get a new appeal of the Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon to the Syrian authorities for the immediate end of violence and mass arrests of peaceful demonstrators.

Speaking by phone with President Bashar al-Assad, Mr. Ban has called for an independent inquiry into the violence. Ban has asked the government to Damascus and then to implement rapidly and in their entirety the announced reforms and to involve all parties in dialogue. During the press conference with Hillary Clinton, Foreign Minister Franco Frattini announced that the international community are ready sanctions against Syria: "We have to step up calls for political action and raise awareness of the Syrian government to end the violence and try to resume a path of dialogue.


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