Thursday, May 5, 2011

Now it comes with Mullah Omar?

The Washington Post suggests that the death of Osama bin Laden could help the negotiations with the Afghan Taliban led by Mullah Omar. Would finally be a thing of common sense after ten years of futile war on Afghanistan which has caused 60 000 deaths among civilians, Taliban fighters between 35 000 and 2441 fell between the soldiers of the Coalition.

Hypothesis is plausible and feasible, although for different reasons than those advanced by the American newspaper's argument that the death of Caliph Arabia could lead the Afghan Taliban to finally break with al Qaeda and international terrorism. Omar and Osama are at loggerheads in 1998 after the attacks on American embassies in Kenya and Tanzania, which are attributed to Bin Laden, which caused 223 deaths and 4000 injuries.

Shortly after 75 cruise missiles crashed down on the mountains of Khost, where Americans believed that Bin Laden is found with its training camps. Do not hit the target, but made quite a few 'deaths. The bombing continued for a few months. Bin Laden had thus become a problem for the Taliban government.

So when President Clinton proposed to physically eliminate Mullah Omar Bin Laden, the Taliban leader, through his foreign minister, Wakil Muttawakil, sent to Washington at the end of that year, he agreed. But when it seemed done, Clinton inexplicably pulled back. And then came September 11.

While the crowds of all countries of the Arab world to the streets to express their joy, among the many statements of solidarity and sympathy that came to the United States there was also one of the Taliban government. An official statement saying: "Bismullah ar-ar Rabman Rabim (in the name of Allah's grace and compassion).

We strongly condemn the acts that have occurred in the United States at the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. We share the grief of all those who have lost their families and their loved ones in these accidents. All those responsible must be brought to justice. We want to be punished, and we hope that America will be patient and prudent in its actions.

" So why Mullah Omar refused to extradite Bin Laden as they wanted the United States? Why is Omar, who in his own way, even though this may sound strange to Western ears, and a lawyer, asked that there was a serious inquiry into the September 11 attacks and evidence that there was really behind Osama bin Laden.

The Americans, who had already amassed troops and bombers in Pakistan, said arrogantly: "The evidence we have given to our allies." In this response, the government said the Taliban would like any other government in the world than to those conditions without investigation, no evidence could not give a person who had the American nationality nor the Afghan, who was still a guest of their country and under their protection, so in the dark, justice of the United States.

Mullah Omar has played a country and not his own life to defend Bin Laden, of which little or nothing about the matter, which indeed would have gladly removed from the foot, but as a matter of principle and dignity. However, for years that al Qaeda is no longer in Afghanistan. The CIA has estimated that about 50 000 guerrillas fighting the Western occupiers only 359 are foreigners.

But they are Chechens, Uzbeks, Turks, not Arabs Wahhabis who head into the universal jihad against the West. The insurgents, the insurgents as they are called the CIA and the Pentagon itself (only Russia and Frattini still call them "terrorists") are just people, with the support of the overwhelming majority of the population, they want foreign troops if they go from Afghanistan.

The death of Bin Laden does not need to break the links between the Taliban and international terrorists that there is no more time, America is the exit strategy for decent looking at least a couple of years. The situation on the ground of NATO has become untenable. According to latest estimates, the Taliban occupy 80% of the country and are holding a wrap-around strategy, east, south, west, all supply routes to Western troops (the only sure is that from the north, from Turkmenistan via Russia and it depends on the goodwill of Putin).

On the other hand, the Taliban are not able to give the decisive blow to the big cities - Kabul, Mazar-i Sharif, Herat - as too is the disparity with the arms of NATO. The situation is stalled. Americans have repeatedly tried to negotiate, not so secret, with the so-called moderate Taliban to get out.

In October of 2010 established a High Council of Peace in which he claimed also involved some important Taliban leaders. In fact scartine were only picked up on the streets of Kabul. We have always refused to negotiate with Mullah Omar considering it inappropriate for a national reconciliation.

Omar is instead the only possible interlocutor because he is driving, with an iron hand, the guerrillas. Bin Laden is dead, the U.S. could say now that the hunt is over, avenged the blood of the Twin Towers, we can also deal with Mullah Omar as a condition of paying, just to save face, that the Taliban leader declares renouncing ties to al Qaeda.

Omar would accept? If this condition is, of course, as would, I believe, that UN inspections to ascertain that there are no soil Afghan training camps for al-Qaeda. If they were to refer alive, he would be the first to drive them as it is because of them that have lost the country that ruled.

If the conditions for the Obama or for him who they were: Karzai after another Quisling in American sauce, Naiisbullah as it had been for the Soviets, NATO bases in the country and Yankee troops, albeit reduced, on Afghan soil, would say no . Has not fought 30 of his 49 years of life for the freedom of his country, sacrificing lives, to have to accept in the end a "Pax Americana".

, May 5, 2011

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