Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Strauss-Kahn, America and the essential truths

I believe that the most serious faults of the Italians are the intellectual and moral. In particular, all one: the violence to the truth. Italians more than all the others believe that they can "bend" the truth at will. We are the people who more than any other is prone to "Cara is not as it seems." And, with regard to serious matters, we are the people of the "creative financing" of the tricks of the budget, the substantial decriminalization of false accounting, construction of amnesties and tax.

With us, in short, things are never what they are, but what we want, even expect them to be. In our mind is not moral dishonesty, shame, attack on the common good, to insult other people's minds, but cunning, "courage", "decisions", "bald-faced lie," "virility," "power". And the sincerity, honesty and morality are "moralism" and "bacchettoneria.

This makes it difficult to impossible bounds of a civilized life. Because life is made of a civil society and ideas. If the facts are denied and blatantly obvious these ideas built on lies, it is virtually impossible to really talk and discuss. For this - and I apologize to my few readers and generous - a bit 'I write a little.

Why is it difficult to speak, when words are not "stones" on which to build, but stones pulled to demolish the truth. 99% of the public debate in our country is screwed no longer on the facts about our real problems, the needs of this and that piece of a country going bankrupt, but on a totally false story that the television stations of a system develop a unified networks around the clock and a population of subjects and viewers / consumers are drunk passively.

I always thought the Americans a people culturally a bit 'rough and very rough legally. But I am struck by the amount of true and good that sometimes their culture and especially their practices produce. From the huge amount of articles on the case of Dominique Strauss-Kahn have struck me a few lines: - the audience for the validation of the arrest lasted eight minutes, eight, only one judge (not a court of five or six, but only one court, which no newspaper would dream of telling people to vote and what color socks he) has allowed two lawyers among the highest paid in the world to defend one of the world's most powerful suspects, saying very few things (the ones - the only relevant - you can tell in five minutes), the more would be considered contempt of court - the court decision was handed down after the suspect has "waited his turn as a common criminal, sitting on a bench and watched over by a cop; waited his turn, he did not have a turn on purpose or audience on purpose - although it has offered a guarantee of one million dollars, the judge said he must remain in jail, not " under house arrest "," jail ", because - simply and trivially - there are serious indications that he actually committed the crime for which he is charged and it is plausible that attempts to evade punishment.

Point. It is enough. Even America has so many diseases, but apparently has set limits on those who are willing to tolerate.

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