Friday, April 15, 2011

Villepin forward proposals for the 2012 elections

Former Prime Minister and former Minister of Foreign Affairs Dominique de Villepin, Nicolas Sarkozy intimate enemy (with whom he shared position in the Government of Jacques Chirac) has taken another step towards the 2012 elections, which in principle , we voters will play his old rival of the French right.

Villepin, who in June last year formed a new party around himself, Republic Development, presented yesterday a sort of government program with a bunch of new proposals that stirred some excitement in France. Among them is the creation of a sort of universal income of 850 euros for all French over 18 years without resources.

Villepin, who moves into the social orbit of the neo-Gaullist, has called this income as "income citizens, and part of a broader program called the Revolution of dignity. In exchange, every French citizen must register and vote, "even white vote" and provide the community with a social service that is not specified the length while you are young (between 18 and 25).

Villepin also proposed a reform of the map of the French regions and a change in the structure of government with 10 ministers weight. At the international level (Villepin was foreign minister in Jacques Chirac), provides lead France out of NATO's integrated command and remove the 4,000 French troops currently fighting in Afghanistan.

However, although the presentation of this program and let him guess, Villepin would not advance even if it is present or not contesting the elections. "It is not the time," said the former prime minister, "now is the time to present ideas, and it needed a few months to clear out the jam on the road." The bottleneck referred to the neo-Gaullist leader is the French center space now crowded and confusing, full of leaders eager to fill the square looking sideways, checking how each day passes are vying for the same.

On the one hand, is François Bayrou, president of the modem, the historic leader of the centrist who has spent his entire term without approaching Sarkozy, criticizing from the outside. A week ago, also have to have Jean-Louis Borloo, the Radical Party, until last Friday Sarkozy ally and now decided to fly solo.

These two adds a renewed Villepin. Both Villepin and Borloo Bayrou accused of abandoning the ship of Sarkozy when you water, do not constitute a real alternative, and deny the credibility of being a real opposition to power. But with critical or uncritical, centrist leaders density is excessive and should be diluted, based on alliances or waivers in the coming months.

Another reason that can explain the wisdom of Villepin when announcing his candidacy is his judicial agenda: the May 2 appeal is pending for the process Clearstream (a murky episode of false accusations against Sarkozy, when he was minister Interior), the former prime minister and was acquitted in January last year.

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