Thursday, February 17, 2011

You really become so?

The foreign newspapers these days carry a number of articles on the trial of Berlusconi. I shall focus on two that, for various reasons, I found incredible: the first for the hardness unusual for the newspaper, the second to the unconscious masochism with which to defend the indefensible, we see ridiculous abroad.

The first is an editorial by the European Voice of February 3, titled Erosion of Italy's European tradition is a crying shame. The editorial was inspired by the commemoration of Tommaso Padoa Schioppa, presented as representative of the best Italian tradition Europe, to put your finger on the huge and grotesque gap with the current political leadership (I would add: and not just politics).

He then goes on to lament that, at a time when North Africa is in turmoil Italian influence in the region would be an asset for all European partners, that effect is now reduced to a flicker. Finally, it stresses the fact that Italy is now struggling to find its place in the European Union, which is a rules-based system.

If that were not sufficiently clear, the editorial closes categorical: "The sooner he [Berlusconi] leaves the stage, the better for Europe": the sooner he goes the better for Europe. Caution: for Europe, not for Italy. Why an Italy in shambles is not in anyone's interest, even abroad. The second is an article-analysis of De Standaard, 16 February, entitled react Berlusconi (Berlusconi zal terugvechten).

The reports sent to Italy in the views of this Ernesto Galli (sic) of the Lodge - it is unknown whether through an interview or fishing among his readers - to analyze what ever is happening, and what will happen in this strange country of south. Some sentences quotes are worthy of a Prize in the foot.

" The naive sent wonders why a minister in Northern Europe resign if it turns out that pays her maid in black, while Berlusconi did not think so even if accused of crimes far more serious. The elusive Galli della Loggia says: nothing wrong, is that you are putting pressure on the individual parties minister for fear of losing votes.

Berlusconi has a party is the party, so none of his advisers or ministers will suggest never to leave. Probably a bit 'off-limits but supported his innocence, the envoy goes on to suggest that, according to some observers daring, ask the above the law and delegitimize the courts would hurt democracy.

But our Galli della Loggia not bat an eyelid, and explains that no, in Italy the courts do not have the standing they have in Belgium (I swear, I'm not making up a single word, not even standing in that position, reputation). The Italians know that the courts are slow and inefficient, the judges move on to the policy and then have an opinion on the justice system rather than negative.

According to Galli della Loggia Berlusconi, with this view, has nothing to do. Not happy with the results already achieved brilliant, our Galli continues now complaining that Italy will have a negative image, even less influence, and that no one will listen to more of our foreign minister.

But then do a pirouette at 180 ° and held that the damage was done so already: the voices on prostitutes and partying had already given "crystal clear" that the lifestyle of Berlusconi was not appropriate for a head of government . Not knowing which way to turn after these utterances, sent the article closes with some fact: three processes share, the maximum penalties are provided for 12 years for abuse of office and three years to pay for sex with minors.

They left Italy nine years and a half ago. You really become so?

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