Thursday, February 17, 2011

Now women are afraid to B.

Berlusconi and women. An ironic fate accompanies the darkest season of the premier. There is a drawn face and upset Mr Berlusconi on the front pages of foreign newspapers. And there's the photo of Ruby the heart stealer, the heartthrob. More titles ("The time for the worst Italian Prime Minister, the worst crisis of Mr Berlusconi on trial for the sex saga", "risk 12 years in prison for lying"), is on these two photos is the focus 'attention.

Even the foreign media that women can not escape the problem of Berlusconi. Now when you see a picture of Berlusconi is always accompanied by a photo of a woman. And the combination speaks for itself. The leading storyteller, who has for years claimed to be a great seducer, the Italian playboy par excellence, is now being pilloried by the right women.

When he was a brilliant and posed as gaga from overwork, was his habit to be portrayed by one of his ministers, "beautiful and brave." The official photos were always looking for a woman he accompanied. The convention wanted to feel the embrace, the warmth of his physical darlings. Perhaps some polls, the market research which is determined, had recommended this tactic: the woman wears well, brings votes, giving a human face.

And who forgets them paean to the mythical home of Forza Italy, those mentioned constantly, those who made cakes, those who were at the heart of the family and the backbone of a healthy home. They cheered him, he was the male who would have protected, defended against the onslaught of the communists against the left radical chic that snubs the housewife.

Now what remains of it all? The photo of an elderly man who stopped to smile, showing all his 74 years, a face that now no lifting, greasepaint make-up and more able to escape the tyranny of time. Across the image of Ruby, the mocking smile of this young woman, little more than a girl, a look of defiance mixed with recklessness.

The story of the last two months is between these two photos. In between, many other photographs, always women, such as persecution, a curse for women. The pictures of many showgirls, letters, letteronze, escort, prostitutes of various types, girls remade, sun glasses, bags, designer mobile phones with diamonds, boots € 800.

And then arrive at the scene photos of other women, one million to rally against this vision of male-dominated world. The Wall Street Journal, the Guardian tell all the protest of women in their twenties and seventies, grandmothers and grandchildren (not to Mubarak), daughters, all together to defend the honor of a nation "considers women to an object." I wrote without beating about the bush, Italian women have shown "against sexism and misogyny." And yet again yesterday there were photos of women on foreign newspapers and is still pointed out as three women will be judging the Italian prime minister.

There were photographs and biographies of Christina of Census, Giulia Turri, Carmen D'Elia, Orsola De Cristofaro. The prime minister who loved women will die because of women? He wrote some time ago the New York Times that the oppression of women is the humanitarian plight of our century, as were slavery in the nineteenth century and totalitarianism in the twentieth century.

In due proportion, because in Italy do not talk about stoning and genital mutilation, the status of women is still a litmus test of the degree of evolution, responsiveness, democracy and civilization of a country. If these premises are, well maybe there is hope. Maybe it's the start of new era that will make us go back from 74th place for discrimination, "33 positions at the back of Kazakhstan" (as the Guardian pointed out yesterday).

And Berlusconi has understood: it is women who more than anyone else should be afraid. , February 17, 2011

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