Thursday, February 17, 2011

Good news

In a post a few months ago we talked about Ecuador, the environmental tragedy in progress there, and the cause that the premises had been brought against Chevron for having poured, between 1964 and 1990, around 70 billion gallons of toxic waste into rivers Amazonian Ecuador, leaving at least 900 ponds filled with mining waste, spillage, as well as over 64 million gallons of crude oil due to broken pipelines.

All seasoned with the consequences for the health of local residents (which are those for which sometimes we are moved by seeing the pictures from the Survival) that let you imagine. Of all this was spoken in Crude Joe Berlinger. The good news is that an Ecuadorean court ordered Chevron to pay $ 9 billion in fines, the fine will double if Chevron did not publicly acknowledge its responsibility and apologize for his actions within 15 days.

Chevron has announced that the course will appeal, calling the decision by "corrupt judges".

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