Thursday, February 17, 2011

And the world laughs behind ...

Devastating. For the English, who have opened their copies of The Guardian February 16, the cartoon by Steve Bell says a lot about the news these days and is regarded abroad as the head of the Italian government. There is no 'need for words. We have been accustomed to seeing Tony Blair described as a liar, but the Prime Minister, represented as a plucked turkey surrounded, like the Romans than once, by a laurel wreath, is given the simple title WNQR (Wanker).

The many English who use text messages did not need much time to translate that code. You can also debate whether it's worse to decrypts as a liar or a WNQR, but one thing is certain,'s image was seriously damaged due to the figure of its Prime Minister, sent to trial for the crime of child prostitution .

Every time you present to other heads of government will certainly be seen as a WNQR, or worse. What an ugly situation for Italy. Cartoon by Steve Bell, Guardian. co. uk

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