Sunday, February 27, 2011

Missiles and helicopters, so Italy has armed militias of rais

Even when everything is finished, a page of the massacre Libya can not nevertheless be canceled. Neither the duplicity of Western diplomacy, nor by his cynicism, nor later acknowledge, embargoes or from a new massacre is now consumed. That page says that in Tripoli, Benghazi, Tobruk, the blood of the insurgents has been and will continue to be paid by European and Russian-made weapons stacked in a frenzy over the past six years in the arsenals of the scheme.

That in Tripolitania and Cyrenaica, the bullet casings left on the ground thousands of mercenaries from automatic weapons and government militias have engraved on the back matrices that indicate the manufacture Italian, English, Belgian, Russian. The documentary details the latest report of the European Union on permits for the export of war materials during 2008-2009 of which - in the last week - has been widely spread and tip from NGOs and peace associations.

It remains to trace in detail the death of merchandise that Gaddafi went on a major European capitals since September 2004, lifting the total strength of the regime imposed in 1986. It 's a statistical calculation in which we are ashamed and, at least among the EU countries, in the middle of the scene.

"Friendship" with the Colonel has made Italy the first exporter of Union arms to Libya. Between 2008 and 2009, 205 million euro. More than a third of the volume of exports to the European military regime (595 million total). Once the value of arms sold by the French (143 million). Three times that of Malta (80 million).

Five times that of Germany (57 million) and Britain (53 million). Ten times the Portuguese exports (21 million). In the latter shine, after all, the colonel never seems satisfied. I have twenty years of fasting and its aging arsenals, now only good for parades in the desert, make bulimic.

In 2004, state publicly that they have abandoned the program to build chemical weapons of mass destruction and to be in this right to translate this "renunciation" in a free access to the list of conventional weapons. There is therefore holding of arms and European government that, in the face of shrinking markets in Europe, do not see Saddam as an opportunity to rub in his eyes.

In 2008 - as documented by the statistics of "Stock disarmament" - Libyan spending for weapon systems or components, however, war has already reached 1 billion and $ 100 million. And is intended, within two years, to soar further. That year, Muammar Gaddafi is received in Moscow (the world's leading exporter of arms to the regime), where he signed contracts for the purchase of tanks, missiles, planes, equal to one and a half billion dollars.

Figure to another is intended to be stable in the next two years. Buy for $ 150 million by the American "General Dynamics' communication systems and pointing to the second brigade of its elite units, the one commanded by his son, Khamis. But in Paris (aviation supplies for 300 million euro agreed significantly immediately after the "happy solution" of the seizure of the French nurse) and Rome, which finds new red carpets and hats in hand.

Italy, who officially greeted the end of the embargo on deliveries of war as an "extraordinary success" diplomatic, which claims the merit in the European Union, which includes fact can carve out an important part. The "Agusta Westlands, a Finmeccanica Company, sells 10 helicopters to the regime Aw109e Power (80 million euro), which add up to the 20 already delivered in previous years (including the single-rotor AW119K and AW139 medium twin-engine).

The "Libyan Italian Advanced Technology Company (LIATEC), a joint venture between the" Libyan Company for Aviation Industry "," Finmeccanica "and" Agusta Westlands, offering maintenance and crew training aircraft AW119K, AW109 and AW139. "Alenia Aeronautica, a Finmeccanica company, reached an agreement for the provision of an aircraft ATR-42MP Surveyor for maritime patrol, for its maintenance, for the training of its pilots (31 million).

The "Itas", a company of La Spezia, ensures the maintenance of naval missiles "Otomat. While in May 2009, by acting on the agreements of the Treaty of Benghazi, the Guardia di Finanza Colonel delivery to the first three patrol boats to patrol the territorial waters (many arriving in February 2010).

It 'a prelude to the general agreement that, in that same 2009, Finmeccanica closes with the "Libyan Investment Authority (LIA) and the Libya Africa Investment oilcan" (LAP) for strategic cooperation activities "in the military and surveillance . Above all, an electronic system of "border control" Libyans for 300 million euro, whose implementation is entrusted to "Selex Sistemi Integrati," group company of which he is CEO Marina Grossi, wife of the president and Pierfrancesco Guarguaglini already investigated for corruption by the public prosecutor in Rome for contracts with Enav.

There's more. In numbers provided by the EU, the gunsmiths in charge of our house would also be 80 million allocated to exports from Malta. If they are right because analysts' Network Disarmament ", the parts supply from Valletta to Tripoli, conceals a triangulation," of which there is no trace in the official documentation of the Palazzo Chigi, "of" weapons Beretta ML Class 1, with the soul smooth, with a caliber of less than 20 mm and 12.7 mm automatic weapons.

" In recent days, in front of horrified public opinion, Belgium has justified the thousands of 7.62 caliber shell casings found on the runways at El Beida Abrag The products from the "FN" as "a provision intended to spare military aid in Darfur. " On 17 February, France has announced a freeze on the procurement arrangements, followed by England.

Our diplomacy and our ministers (Frattini and Russia) have announced laconically that Italy "will comply with sanctions imposed by".

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