Wednesday, March 23, 2011

"Neither war nor tyranny," move the peace But voices in the movement against the 'inertia'

ROME - A flag of peace stained with blood. On the web part the antiwar mobilization to Libya (perlapace on the site. Com, but also on facebook) and there is now an appointment to the streets Saturday in Rome, the event for the public water and anti-nuclear (parade to 14.30 from Piazza della Repubblica to Piazza San Giovanni) will also be mobilized for peace.

But the archipelago is divided peace: no to war "without ifs and buts" this time is not enough, because there is also a need to stop the repression against the insurgents and to stand against the tyrant Gaddafi. Flavio Lotti Tavola della of peace, the sign of acronyms that each year organizes the march Perugia-Assisi, has gone live with the call ("Italy repudiates war") calls to display the flag of peace to the windows, but clarifies ten points in a location where you found many of the associations for peace: "One thing is for the UN resolution, its application is another.

One thing is to defend human rights, another to start a war" . In short, stop the bombs, but insists, "between the inertia and the war other avenues are possible, and Italy has only one mission to accomplish: the word quickly remove the weapons and give the floor to the policy, to promote political negotiations all levels.

" It is not only Libya, of course, but also Bahrain and Yemen. The cease-fire-talking diplomacy "is also the CGIL, Eire, the ACLI, by the PNA, from Freedom, Pax Christi, by Emergency. Gino Strada - Amber Jovinelli last night on stage to present the new magazine of Emergency in a debate which was attended among others Don Luigi Ciotti, director of Republic Ezio Mauro, the writer Erri De Luca, the singer and Fiorella Mannoia the satirical cartoonist Vauro - attacks: "No war can be humanitarian, and this is the most disgusting lies to justify the war which is always a crime against humanity." It stresses that "our leaders, the same ones that now show the war as necessary, until a few weeks ago have financed armed and supported the dictator Qaddafi and its continuing violations of human rights." The Anpi calls for speedy decisions, because "we are opposed to war, we repudiate weapons, but we pose the problem of how to respond to the Libyans that the streets are asking us to support them." A tom-tom part of the "non-violent movement" and is re-launched online with the slogan "Stop the war." The CGIL was among the first to stand up for "giving priority to diplomatic solution" and to denounce the "inadequacy" of the Italian government.

On Saturday there will be a square Fiom-CGIL with the slogan "Stop the bombing, is the negotiated settlement." And "Free" by Don Ciotti says "the weakness of the policy behind the worsening of the situation, the war does not solve problems but end up multiply and exacerbate them." Among the Catholic voices against the intervention in Libya is the bishop of Pavia Bishop John Smith, president of Pax Christi: "The operations against Libya are output from rationality.

As they talk only the weapons are left speechless, speechless , puzzled. Gaddafi was already at war with his people when he was our ally and friend. " The bishop noted in this situation, "the rush of war and the absence of politics." In the square in Rome on Saturday there will be many politicians, from "red" Diliberto Ferrero to the group of democratic popular Fioroni, much left Democratic Party (Life, Nerozzi, Amati, Della Seta) and the left of Vendola.

But principals and sit-in "no war", there have been and there will be in front of the military bases at the University of Rome "La Sapienza", the banner yesterday, "Not in my name"; basic trade union disputes. Meeting on Thursday to the headquarters ACLI "No war, no to Gaddafi."

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