Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Libya, lean figure for all

In January, Libya has brought its share of shares in Finmeccanica 2 per cent and had outstanding € 800 million of contracts. And committed. L 'Ansaldo for two railway systems, which resulted in 16 Agusta helicopters and entered into joint venture with the Libyan government to assemble a new near Tripoli and then sell them all over the world, even though the law prohibits trading in '90 185 arms to countries at war and it is perfectly clear that he could take advantage of the Agusta-triangulation coverage offered by the Libyan state to export to areas of crisis and, finally, Selex Sistemi Integrati Marina Grossi in Guarguaglini that was making the electronic control of boundaries in southern Libya.

A construction contract, the latter, 300 million € for so-called barrier antiimmigrati. Our hunting (the government swears he does not shoot) will be forced to report in French and English how and where to find the Agusta brand-new that might violate the no-fly zone? Our armed forces will be requested to detail where and how the electronic barrier antiimmigrati that may have been converted into a barrier anti-insurgents from Gaddafi? We'll never know, probably.

For the rest, some people are comforted by the fact that we are not alone in selling weapons to the colonel, the hypocrisy is often a sweet-tasting poison. Our government is the French military intervention and called for a more moderate, with the rebels but is sorry for Gaddafi. When Berlusconi personally doing business with Colonel (in Quinta Communications) and has armed the rebels massacred the hand that Libya is the same as joining the military coalition that wants to hit Gaddafi - and calls the command - and still is what grieves for his fate are witnessing a tragic piece of political comedy without even Ghedini we have put the pen.

Not it seems that the lawyer has expertise on Berlusconi's statements on foreign policy, at least for now. Lean figure for Europe. Which did not support the people in Tunisia and Egypt, has not uttered a word about the dead in Yemen and the Middle East amid rising protests, those moves have not received a penny and not even a minister has taken the trouble to do a tour of 'horizon in those places.

All and only bothered to stop the refugees from across the sea. If we had helped the rebels time to Libyans would probably allowed them to win. Perhaps the colonel was already packed. But military action comes at the last moment, planned and carried out evil worse. After this bombing, Libya will win his freedom more easily? I doubt it.

Also because no one at all (Obama will?) Seems to want to talk now the language of negotiation.

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