Saturday, March 12, 2011

Tsunami in Japan, radiation alarm Explosion in central Fukushima

It 'very high alert atomic plant in Fukushima, northern Japan, where Japanese authorities believe that the reactor may have undergone a merger after the strong earthquake on Friday. This was announced by the local agency Kyodo. According to the Nuclear Safety Commission of Japan has been detected near the plant's radioactive cesium.

The number of evacuees, meanwhile, rose to 210 thousand, in a radius of 20km from power. Parts of the nuclear fuel rods in the reactor number 1 were briefly exposed to the air this morning after cooling, the level of the water temperature fell to evaporation and a fire truck pumped water into the reactor.

Meanwhile, about five o'clock in the afternoon (local time) an explosion crumbled the cage containing one of the reactors, raising a column of white smoke. The television channels have warned local residents to stay indoors, turn off air conditioners and do not drink tap water. Persons who are outside was advised not to leave exposed skin and cover his face with masks and wet towels.

The four injured were taken to a hospital in the area. The explosion occurred soon after the nuclear plant managers announced they have managed to reduce the pressure in reactor. The Japanese broadcaster NHK said that the authorities have measured the level of radiation entering the plant in Fukushima at 15:29 Japan time: if people were exposed to this level of radiation for an hour would receive the same amount of radiation that normally takes a year.

In any case, the company that operates the plant has ruled that the explosion caused severe damage to the reactor core. The explosion, said the company 'owns the Fukushima, the TEPCO, caused the collapse of the roof and walls of the building in which is' hosted the steel container of the reactor that does not "suffered serious damage ".

The detection of cesium out of the No. 1 reactor in Fukushima Daichi confirmation that the reactor, the cooling system which crashed after the earthquake of yesterday, it was partially melted. Inside the radiation levels reached a peak of 1,000 times normal and 70 times out. The increase was caused by radiation outside the controlled release of radioactive steam from the building containing the reactor structure.

Meanwhile, attempts to pressurize the form of a reactor containment would be successful. In short, additional measures will be taken, such as the use of sea water and boric acid. Meanwhile, the Japanese authorities plan to start distributing iodine anti-radiation therapy to the resident population around the area of \u200b\u200bpower plants.

The International Agency for Nuclear Energy (IAEA) has in any case, asked the Japanese government to be informed of "urgent" situation. The devastating earthquake in Japan have also damaged the cooling system of the Fukushima No. 2 reactor, known as the Fukushima-Daini. The authorities have decided again to evacuate the population within 10 km.

In total there are six reactors in Fukushima. The number 1 was launched in 1971 and the number 2 three years later. The development plans of the company owner, Tokyo Electric Power, included the installation of two more reactors in 2013 and 2014. Japan has 52 nuclear power plants. Of these 11 were somehow involved in the earthquake.

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