Sunday, March 27, 2011

"Dragged bedroom and I will redeem Frattini trying to mediate"

BRUSSELS - Silvio Berlusconi arrived in Brussels and decided to skip the surprise summit of European People's Party. Turn makes the motorcade and ends at the hotel. Before a meeting to prepare the EU summit to be held in the evening. Then a nap, and many phone calls in Rome. With the press remains silent, but his face is taut.

In confidential talks reveals his concern about the Libyan crisis. He does not see a way out of hand to solve the puzzle of Tripoli. With ministers and associates it says perplexed by the military mission, even if he is aware that "now we can not flinch." But doubt has now made its way into his thoughts: "With hindsight I think we could stay out of the coalition to carve out a role as mediators." Bitter thoughts, a rash.

As he gets to "drag" military intervention by Napolitano, Frattini and Letta. It is they who have most insisted to follow up UN Resolution 1973 by taking part in "Odyssey Dawn." A fault but the Knight can not and does not feel to give publicly the protagonists of what he perceived as a real "pressing" against him.

"On the other hand it was difficult to do otherwise," she admits sadly. But the feeling that there is a plank is reinforced when you read the letter sent to the Head of State Frattini expressed the "sincere gratitude" for the work of the Minister and the Foreign Ministry "in these difficult circumstances." Berlusconi tries to look ahead.

Hoping for a quick cease-fire to jump-start diplomacy. And the mediation. We hope, though his intentions might be vain dreams of glory. "If there is a chance I'll try," she confides. And all the while cashing in the entry stage of NATO and the African Union. Then he groped could recover the scene persuading Gaddafi to go into exile by the International Criminal Court by saving and unlocking the crisis.

But meanwhile, the bombs continue to fall and the Knight is terrified of Libyan retaliation against Italy. As it is informed of the risks they run if mediation fails: Italy would be isolated and would expose him to criticism for trying to save the dictator of Tripoli. Objections in the face of what Prime Minister nods thoughtfully, "I know how it's done Gaddafi, will be difficult to convince him to leave Libya." The Knight does not trust the insurgents in Benghazi.

If it is true that he gave the green light to call Frattini with the head of interim government, Ibrahim Jibril, more than once warned that "we have to go careful with the rebels" because they are led by two former men's Gaddafi ( Mustafa Abdel Jalil Addel Fatah Yunis) whose role is not clear and that some "are not the expression of the new".

In short - sums up - in danger of falling from the frying pan into the fire. Also voiced concerns with dinner on Wednesday with the leaders, where he made his way to regret, with the prime minister showed the guests the photo album of his meetings with Gaddafi. In Rome, Tripoli, Sirte and in the desert.

Increasingly distant memories.

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