Monday, June 20, 2011

Blair's party for his son: the children have to pay

For the honor of participating in a celebration of his son, Blairs have asked money to the children. The couple held a year-end party for the youngest son Leo (11 years) and called home all his classmates, but then  all young people have been asked to pay 10 pounds for the privilege.

The fact is that - it was explained to disbelieving parents and for safety reasons, no outsider can drive inside the residence in Buckinghamshire, where the Blairs have moved since they left Downing Street.

Tony Blair is currently the UN envoy for the Middle East-has amassed a fortune through the sale of his memoirs and lucrative business lecturing around the world, and it is estimated that-along with his wife, Cherie, has assets of approximately £ 14 million.

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