Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The tribulations of European producers in China

Beijing Correspondent - For six years, the European Producers' Club, an association based in Paris, which brings together some fifty independent European producers, organized in Beijing or Shanghai forum co-production with China, hoping that by learning to to know the citizens of both continents co-produce more films.

Enthusiasm is often there, but partnerships are rare in a Chinese market dominated by big productions China-Hong Kong. The exponential growth of the Chinese box office and Chinese efforts to assert itself internationally in the field of cultural industries - the organization in the capital, from April 23 to 28, with a lot of grants, the first International Film Festival in Beijing, is the latest example - are they changing the situation? "For the first time I felt a strong signal from our interlocutors, to make us understand how they had become co-productions," says Alexandra Lebret, executive director of the Club of European producers.

Even the giant China Film Group has again asked to consider a number of European film projects. The Chinese know they can not avoid further open their markets to foreign films - the quotas restricting access - and co-productions are the perfect way for them to do. They wish to be present in other markets.

Finally, the IPOs of the major players in the Chinese film industry in China and abroad, for wanting to internationalize their catalog. For Yu Dong, president of the International Bona, who co-produced films such big-budget, the expected tripling of the Chinese market within five to eight years to come, soaring budgets will "push the Chinese producers to co-produce films English ", both for the Chinese market for the international market, he explained to his colleagues at the forum for co-productions with Europe, April 25.

For Europeans, co-producing with the Chinese to escape quotas, and financed the film then being classified as local. Only twenty foreign films per year are distributed in China, according to the formula known as "revenue sharing" (which pays the producer in proportion of success): An amount remained unchanged despite a box-office has increased by 40% in 2009 and 65% in 2010, making the country the fourth largest market in the world behind the United States, the European Union and Japan.

This reserve can not be indifferent spectators of the Europeans: "The Chinese middle class grows, people travel, it's time to make more sophisticated films, which take place in Italy but with Chinese characters in torment of today, "said the Italian producer Cristiano Bortone. The latter was preparing "a kind of Roman Holiday", written by a Chinese backed up by an Italian consultant.

And with a star Chinese female lead. The French have long been the first co-production partners for Chinese independent films by Lou Ye, Wang Xiaoshuai and Jia Zhangke have, among others, saw many of their films with French aid. The signing of a co-production agreement with China in April 2010, and the possible consolidation of mechanisms for financing the South are changing the context of partnerships.

Most daring films loom: Pathe is about to sign with China's Stellar partnership for the production of cartoon Why I (not) eating my father?, Realize that Jamel Debbouze. In Shanghai, the producer Natacha Devillers preparing a comedy directed by Gerard Krawczyk. It may be useful in tune different film cultures: "In China, the production start is with a very short time," says Eric Garandeau, the chairman of CNC, who attended the forum co Festival Beijing.

"We need to understand our methods and the importance of preparation," he said. The Wolf Totem, the next film by Jean-Jacques Annaud, adapted from the bestseller by Jiang Rong and proposed to the French director by a Chinese company, is a good opportunity. The screenplay is being written while young wolves are dressing in Manchuria.

Shooting will begin mid-2012 for one year. One film has so far been stamped binational under the Franco-Chinese co-production of 2010: Eleven of these are flowers, Chinese director Wang Xiaoshuai posproduction currently in Paris. Brice Pedroletti Article published in the edition of 03.05.11

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