Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mexico anti-war cries

Following in the footsteps of a poet who lost his son, a mother seeking justice for her baby two years ago burned in the flames of a nursery or a grandparent who does not understand why the military strafed last week to her grandson a crossroads, Mexico, yesterday cried in silence against war, against impunity and corruption policy.

Since the end of 2006, Felipe Calderon became president of the Republic, more than 40,000 people have been killed in violence, but it was not until now that the country's streets are filled with people who, as Mexico have expressed their weariness: "No more blood. We're up to the mother." Javier has been the Sicilian poet who has managed to channel all this accumulated pain.

40 days ago, in the hitherto peaceful city of Cuernavaca and in circumstances still unclear, some criminals killed a child in Sicily and six of his friends. The poet, who was traveling in the Philippines, wrote a poem dedicated to his son on the plane back and, upon arrival in Mexico, said: "It's my last poem.

I can not write more poetry. The poetry no longer exists for me. " At the time, called on the authorities to multiple crime go unpunished, as no more than 90% of crimes that occur in Mexico? Or being arrested scapegoats. By the way, Sicily wanted to take the media coverage of their loss to put a face to all victims without a name.

From Thursday through Sunday, a silent march traveled the 80 miles between Mexico City and Cuernavaca, and in the Zocalo of Mexico City were thousands and thousands of people, many of which are direct victims of violence? Which clamored for an end to violence. "It has exceeded corruption," charged Sicily loud and clear, "institutions are rotten, from the parties to the Federal Government.

That's why crime is on the field, so we are debasing. This is not the Mexico we want. No is this our war. But these are indeed our dead. " It was a rhetorical. Along with Sicilian parents have gone to the violence that has taken their children and keep striving to present banners and shirts.

After hearing their stories, it is increasingly clear that the official version that they are thugs who are killing each other in the streets of Mexico is becoming less accurate. So-called "collateral victims" are becoming more frequent, thanks to the movement that has just emerged, more and more visible.

Of course, the protest of Sicily, against what might appear, not only criticized the policy, which considers wrong? Of President Calderon, but the entire political class. In fact, opposition leaders who have tried to make political gain, to flatter the protesters have left shorn. The best example is that of Manlio Fabio Beltrones.

The leader of the PRI senators called on Calderón to listen to the protesters, but Sicily encouraged him not to be confused: "No, Senator Beltrones, not just please leave Calderón to listen and meet us, we ask also to the benches party, the chairmen of the parties, they have also been omitted.

Calderón has 40,000 dead, a bad war strategy, but the shit they created, the destruction of the institutions they began and continue to make omissions, continue to behave as criminals. This goes for all parties, make no mistake. " The march that led to the Zocalo of Mexico City had its replication in several cities in Mexico and even abroad.

Also all types of social movements. Since migrant associations to the Zapatista Subcomandante Marcos. Everyone wanted to join the outcry against a war that, without going any further, on Saturday claimed over 40 lives in different cities. "Mexico," concluded Sicily expressing what many Mexicans feel, "was always love and solidarity, never the crime and war.

This is not the Mexico we want."

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