Sunday, May 8, 2011

Baghdad prison riot antiterrorismoUccisi 11 suspected al-Qaeda agents and 7

At least eleven detainees and seven agents. And 'that the death toll of the uprising broke out yesterday in a Baghdad prison, managed by the Unit for Combating Terrorism of the Iraqi Interior Ministry, and lasted six hours. The detainees were all dead nell'ammutinamento suspected of belonging to al Qaeda.

According to preliminary reports provided by general security spokesman, Qassim al-Moussawi, the fighting would start during the interrogation Huthaifa extremist al-Batawi, known as the "emir of Baghdad '. The agents wanted to find out details of any preparations for attacks to avenge the death of Osama Bin Laden.

But the man took possession of the firearm of a lieutenant and, after killing him, has released a dozen prisoners. So the mutiny broke out in which they killed the head of counterterrorism for the area of Karrada, General Moayed to Saleh, and some agents and officers. Captured weapons and grenades, the prisoners have gone to the gates of the prison.

When five of them took a police vehicle and tried to escape, the officers returned fire, killing the insurgents. The other group of mutineers was barricaded in one of the industry instead of prison. After more than six hours of fighting, the revolt ended at dawn - the night in Italy - where all prisoners were killed.

Al-Batawi, head of mutiny, was charged with taking part in the bloody raid on the Syrian Catholic Cathedral of Our Lady of Deliverance in the Iraqi capital on 31 October, which killed 46 people. Security forces in the country were expecting a revenge by belonging to al Qaeda and had already tightened security measures in various parts of Baghdad.

The Foreign Minister, Hoshyar Zebari, during a visit to Tunisia on Saturday, said to believe "probable" new attacks in Iraq after the killing of Sheikh.

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