Thursday, May 26, 2011

España/Brasil.- Spain and Brazil sign agreement for development cooperation in third countries

MADRID, 26 May. Spain and Brazil have signed Thursday an agreement to jointly develop programs of development cooperation in third countries, announced the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation. The signing of this agreement has taken place in Brasilia, where the head of Spanish diplomacy, Trinidad Jimenez, met with his Brazilian counterpart, Antonio Patriota, with whom he discussed various issues on the bilateral agenda, regional and international levels.

The two countries have done in the past together in the areas of development assistance, such as those carried out in Cuba, Jamaica and Haiti in 2008 after hurricanes in Haiti in 2010 to alleviate the consequences of the earthquake. At the bilateral level, the ministers decided to give impetus to the Strategic Partnership Agreement between the two countries and enhancing the agenda of high level mutual visits, reported Affairs in a statement.

Economically, the special relationship with Brazil is reflected in historical growth of trade flows that have exceeded 5,000 million euros in 2010, making Brazil the second largest trading partner in Latin America, and the fact that Brazil is the target of 33 percent of Spanish investment in Latin America with an aggregate approximate amount of $ 48,400 million.

The minister reiterated in the field of cooperation, the Spanish authorities' commitment to the development of Brazil for the consolidation of the Millennium Development Goals, to which Spain has contributed more than $ 50 million in 2009 to to contribute to the strengthening of inclusive public policies, promote South-South and triangular cooperation and improve the provision of global public goods.

In the cultural sphere, Jimenez and Patriot have indicated their satisfaction with the results achieved since the entry into force in Brazil of Spanish law in 2005, which has resulted in an increase Spain's presence in the country, with the opening of new centers of Instituto Cervantes.

On the differences which existed between the two countries for the treatment of Brazilians in the Spanish airports, cause for complaint by Brazil, Jimenez and Patriot have reaffirmed aware of the sensitivity of this issue, their willingness to continue improving the mechanisms and solving current problems that may arise.

At the regional level, exchanged views on the ongoing negotiations between the EU and Mercosur to conclude the association agreement and have agreed that the agreement is of great importance for both blocks. Once the agreement is perfect, the EU and Mercosur will be the world's largest trading bloc.

For his part, Jones has secured the commitment and encouragement of Spain to move negotiations along, and to conclude in 2011 with a balanced and mutually beneficial. They have also talked about the Latin American Summit to be held this year in Paraguay, and the consolidation of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean (ECLAC), before the next summit in Caracas on 5 July.

Finally, shared views on the highlights of the international, as the situation in Latin America and Europe, OAS, UN reform, the peace process in the Middle East and the situation in the North Africa and the Arab World. Jiménez was transferred to its counterpart in the view of Spain on the current situation in northern Africa and its strong support for the democratic aspirations of the Arab countries.

They have also discussed the current international economic situation, out of the crisis and the work of G-20. Today's meeting is part of the high-level political consultations Spain and Brazil held annually, in accordance with the provisions of the Brasilia Declaration of 2005, within the Permanent Mechanism for Dialogue.

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