Wednesday, March 16, 2011

On the run from Tokyo by the cloud and storm the shops, empty shelves

TOKYO - Tokyo's main train station waiting for the Shinkansen bullet train, the young mother pulls up the curtain of zippo plastic completely surrounding the wheelchair of his daughter. Like thousands of other parents who can afford it, is leaving Tokyo to go south, away from the radioactive wind that led to several hours, the level of lethal particles 40 times more of the parameters of the detectors.

"My husband has to work and stayed, but we do not feel the risks," said Kyu Muramoto, wearing a white mask like so many passengers waiting. "Now, however, say that the wind has changed direction, and radiation decrease. But is that really so?". Kyu is one of the many people who begin to doubt the government's ability to be able to handle an emergency situation indeed, and not just nuclear.

Like millions of passengers, took three times the normal time required to change trains to reach the final station. But times have blown down small thing compared to the blatant admission of the Prime Minister Naoto Kan had been informed of an explosion at the nuclear plant just an hour after it happened.

If so far seems to have forgotten the scandals of his short-lived government, many wonder if Khan will be able to handle an emergency that comes from far away (WikiLeaks yesterday revealed the controversy about the lies of governments and power companies smaller than in previous nuclear accidents ) and could now enter a phase frighteningly long and complex.

Chisato's friend Kyu, relates that wants to run away fearing that damaged plants just 250 miles to the north can make a huge amount of electromagnetic particles "that can penetrate it and turn it into matter." He claims to have read it on Twitter and heard on the radio. But it also fears the big shock, "the big one", as provided by geologists from all over the world and hard to attribute to politicians.

He does not know that a few hours after the departure of his train that takes you to 200 km per hour to safety there will be a sixth grade that Japan will slip back into a panic. The epicenter was not in fact as in recent days in the northeast, the area of \u200b\u200bthe tsunami, but only 100 miles south, in the large district of Shizuoka, and the accuracy at the foot of Mount Fuji, the highest and most sacred Japan's long-dormant volcano.

This move down the tremors along the Pacific Ring of Fire, is not considered a good sign. And indeed the pride of Japanese technology, the Shinkansen, had to again stop his famous racing record and admit defeat, with the umpteenth interruption of service to the dangers unleashed from the bowels of the vibrations of the Fuji.

Who is in Tokyo is stockpiling food and water. A Musashino, an area that has remained in the dark for three hours last night after the 5 to save energy, the superstore chain Itoyokado has seen disappeared from the shelves all kinds of equipment for camping, sleeping bags from the oil for lamps , flashlights, batteries for radios, candles, toilet paper, canned food for emergencies, less risky subject to contamination of fresh food.

This is what happened to the giant Don Quixote of Roppongi, and all Aeon supermarket that also try to save the inhabitants of Tokyo dall'arrembaggio enough food and supplies for earthquakes and floods in the Northeast. The merchants association had to continue launching public appeals asking you not to panic and that the situation is not so serious as to require excessive stocks.

Everything is exaggerated in the post the unprecedented earthquake that will last a long time and with many unknowns. Further south of Mount Fuji, is another volcano considered extinct for centuries, and its activity is resumed a few hours before the next strong earthquake last night. With the central north who are struggling more and more to cool down and a new crater on the move, the people of Tokyo yesterday psychologically feel encircled.

And not just them. The embassies and foreign companies have sent messages to all the fellow countrymen and their representatives to leave the capital, the airlines send them to sleep elsewhere in the Pacific pilots and crews, residents and business people pretend to take a vacation, with the doubt that would be too long to be funny.

Among the people of the metropolis, an increasing number of users participate in the tweet that tell you step by step what happens to the radioactive wind, indicate where to find more inventory, provide the link with the website's rail lines cut, the list of victims and - after the shock of last night - the places where there have been large and small landslides.

Most boarding looking for stocks has occurred just in the areas intended to remain in the dark since last indefinitely, but a growing number of shops and offices are also closed in the 23 districts of the illuminated center staff to leave home at least until the national holiday next Monday, the Shunbun no Hi, the spring equinox, which celebrates nature and living things.

Although here, as ever at this time, no one really want to celebrate.

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