Saturday, March 19, 2011

Nuclear power in the public eye

Nuclear power has never been well regarded, either by complaints about its environmental impact in case of failure of safety devices or its inseparable link with the atomic bomb home dating back to the massacres suffered in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Thus, nuclear energy, billed as the cleaner source ever discovered, has been the subject of constant criticism and complaints about his past of destruction, war and blood.

However, this was the only source of energy supplies has proved feasible to replace a part of global consumption is still dominated by hydrocarbons, either oil, coal or gas. At present, European countries like France or Belgium are provided in more than 70% of energy from nuclear plants, Germany has also begun to increase their levels of peaceful denuclearization.

However, the question as to acceptable safety levels still in the air. The Treaty on the Nonproliferation of Nuclear Weapons imposes severe restrictions on access to nuclear energy for countries that have not consolidated plants (the developing countries), but forget the supervision of the nations that have developed nuclear energy rapidly since the end of World War II (WWII).

In particular, calls the world's nuclear powers, who have witnessed within its borders the most complex dramas in the history of nuclear energy: from Chernobyl in the Soviet Union Kyshtyn through Sellafield and Cadarache in Great Britain and France respectively, to Three Mile Island, in the United States.

Although nuclear plant accidents have resulted in deaths and environmental destruction, when compared with traditional energy sources, costs have been relatively very high. According to the NGO Watch Oil, oil is "the most painful causing ecological disaster occurring in the oceans in recent decades." Hundreds of thousands of marine species have died from strokes, miles and miles of coastline have been completely flooded for the most elemental human use are some of the most visible balances ecological disasters caused by oil.

Today, world leaders discussed again how risky it is deposited in the hands of nuclear energy future of a nation. The tragedy at Chernobyl (Ukraine, 1986) caused him to stop development of nuclear plants worldwide. After the events in Japan, the abandonment of development projects of nuclear power can give rise to a stage of deepening dependence on oil, which can raise the price and accelerate the production hampering any attempt to find some reliable source of energy supply for years to come.

Country Energy from nuclearesEstados plants States 21% France 75% Britain 17% Russia 17% Ukraine 48% India 2% China 2% Mexico 4% SOURCE: International Atomic Energy Agency and "Le Monde Diplomatique."

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