Saturday, February 12, 2011

The revolution is possible

Hundreds of thousands of people celebrating in Tahrir Square, Cairo, after the announcement of the resignation of Hosni Mubarak. If last night Saddam had tried to tear another strip of power, the spontaneous uprising and determined, bright and peaceful essence of millions of people forced him to surrender, to run away, to throw in the towel.

We do not know what will happen now in Egypt, as the forces of the old regime will be able to resist and to restore its power, perhaps with cosmetic changes. But, beyond the results, the uprising has revived the attention of the world the theme of change as an expression of an initiative of the masses.

The Egyptians tell us that the revolution is possible. The change is not the result of games of the palace of intricate origami political moves and counter moves, but geometric patterns popular walking on legs, on mass mobilization. The "masses" in the field and take back the word, in the most simple and direct, reproducing, probably ancient errors and having to suffer many disappointments.

But the road is drawn and this news is a breath of fresh air for us that we see little effects of "social awakening" and informs although not very incisive. Sure, Italy is Egypt, and despite the ridiculous caricature of the alleged nephew, even Berlusconi is Mubarak. No army to prop up the "regime" but Italian television and the court of the palace.

Yet, the path advocated by the southern shore of the Mediterranean has a general validity, it indicates a mode. It tells us that, really, unless we recover our protagonist, our desire for change will not go anywhere. We are witnessing a vertical "decadence" of the ruling classes of this country, unable to find the key to the problem and governability.

The Berlusconi government is evident crisis of legitimacy and consensus, but not cleared the field and makes a strong parliamentary majority - also purchased in cash - a platform of uro of the electorate that is resistant, your main role of a leader that nobody dares question. The center-left opposition, have made a pitiful sight of algebraic formulas and tactical schemes with no content, ideas, suggestions, whatever.

The "middle class" Italian stutters and writhes in an internal fight for survival in the global market - What if this strategy Marchionne and his confrontation with the teetering Marcegaglia? - The Church has, once again, the proof of its inherent hypocrisy, and the left is divided between being a "handmaiden of the Democratic Party" or the spare wheel is not necessary.

Stay in the example from the field Fiom and students that echoes that come from across the Mediterranean: the protagonist direct, grassroots democracy, the popular uprising as a means, as well as content of a real social transformation and durable. Because, even though it appears a distant prospect and unattainable, this is the solution we need.

The deconstruction of the political agenda set by twenty years of Berlusconi and antiberlusconismo, opposing narratives of a single economic and social vision, and the rearrangement of the order of the speech made the restoration of unexpressed needs and demonized: work, income, home, a healthy environment, a life worth living.

All this has no future in the existing policy framework, with castes and cliques that share power, not even desirable departure from the scene sufficiented Berlusconi is, in itself, to open a new horizon. Only a revolution could restore deep breath in a speech on the future. As he said in a popular prime time television, the late Mario Monicelli, in Italy to make a real difference, "it would take a revolution." As in Egypt.

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