Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Thiene gives farewell to Matthew "A generous heart of the Alps"

Thiene (Vicenza) - A contagious optimism, a strong faith and a willingness uncommon. This was Matteo Miotto, Corporal of the Alpine killed Dec. 31 in Afghanistan, and so I wanted to remember Monsignor Livio Right, vicar of the bishop of Padua, opening the homily of the funeral of a young, privately celebrated in the Cathedral of Thiene.

"He arrived in Afghanistan had surprised everyone quoting Don Gnocchi and saying 'now we have to be first in line' ... With his optimism - he said Monsignor Right - Matthew had infected his comrades wounded in that land. It was his way of life by 'generous heart of Alpine' he inherited from his grandfather and kept during his frequent visits in the parish of Elm Thiene.

A boy, "shy, unobtrusive, but ready to act," Matthew, but with a large dowry, "perhaps because of its availability was so loved and respected." Yesterday, in Rome, in an official funeral. Then the trip to Thiene, Miotto's hometown, where late at night and then this morning at dawn thousands of people have paid tribute to the alpine in the mortuary set up in the hall of the City Council.

In the pocket of his uniform a little crib. The vicar bishop then recalled that in a pocket of the camouflage he wore when he was hit by sniper was found a small carved wooden nativity scene in a branch. "A little work of art - said the priest - and jealously guarded that Matthew knows how many times have looked at the face of the Infant Jesus on Christmas Day after having crossed the faces of Afghan children." Thousands of people at the funeral.

An agitated crowd attended the funeral, "an embrace of the city, the region of this land to Matthew to tell him that we are responsible and that we respond to the God of love - said the vicar - The eclipse is over, and soon after 'eclipse of his pain and suffering the memory of Matthew gives us the strength to fight, "said the priest.

The memory of family members: "A true hero." Particularly poignant words of family members who have Miotto recalled "as a real mountain." "You are the exception - have pointed out - not the norm, you're the true hero not a hero like those fake merchandise. You'll be an example for the youth of today." The casket will be buried in the cemetery of Thiene, the area reserved for war dead as the young man asked.

Monsignor Livio Destro asked not to follow the large crowd at the cemetery's last trip to Matthew, "a final act that the family wants to live in private."

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