Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Europe in crisis: Union of hypocrites

They rave about the political union - and plunder from the community, wherever it goes. The European states, the gloomy conclusions of the British novelist Tim Parks, who own creation cynical refuse loyalty to her and rob the future. The challenges are piling up but Europe remains arrogant and confused.

No matter how ultimately affect climate change, shortage of raw materials, mass immigration, militant Islam, a decline in America and a strengthening China, it is obvious that our current way of life is not sustainable in the long run. It must be a huge change much. And for the first time these changes must be directed at the global level and negotiated.

It is difficult to imagine that Europe can be as it is now constituted, united, far-sighted and courageous enough to do to make a contribution. Unfortunately, the alternative is war. As the European Community expanded in the eighties and nineties and strengthened me the whole process was rather suspect.

Since I am an adult, I live in Italy and was therefore not the typical English skeptic, who is determined to preserve the last shreds of British imperialism. It was the phobic, defeatist tone that was so discouraging. For fear of another war against each other, we let ourselves by trade rules and regulations, control, govern inflated by a bureaucracy, fear of the threats from the outside we have a stable block for collective defense established - against agricultural products from Africa, industry manufacturers from China and the Russian empire in the East.

New nations were in Europe - not, because they wanted to convert to an exciting ideology, but as realists, who negotiated their surrender. Convinced a separate national destiny is an outdated delirium, yet they held fast to as many snippets of their sovereignty. The reassuring aspect is that Europe will never caused the kind of loyalty that makes people willing to die for a flag.

On the other hand, their only impetus was a bureaucratic and there was no pride, chose centralized power that would have taken our collective future. In theory, although they are equal, the pooled their fates, but the decisions were obvious from the changing alliances and antagonisms between France, Germany and Great Britain.

It was never easy to believe. In Italy, the whole process was inevitable, of hypocrisy and opportunism prevails: Europe offered a pious, progressive rhetoric, replacing any real debate in the country. Brussels and its institutions could be held responsible for the tough economic decisions, the weak coalition governments in Rome were not even able to make.

His financial resources were looted and embezzled, you could override unwelcome provisions. Despite his much vaunted Europeanism in Italy looks - like any other country - as a separate whole, which takes advantage of the community, and excludes, as it gets. Where the power lies in Europe? The only claim that Britain can bring in terms of honesty, is that it has never concealed his cynicism.

The long back and forth between Blair and Brown on the euro - to join us, if a candidate in economic terms makes sense for us "- may seem like intelligent pragmatism, but for the soul, or the markets to recommend no . Whether one is enthusiastic about an idea or objection to the principle that decisions are changed by what economic conditions and any possible positive attitudes are encouraged.

The ambiguity regarding the question of where in Europe today is really the power, has an impact on every aspect of life. No country considers itself as the world's crucial, no institution is against the collective will. Bold visions and radical changes are not possible. No one is responsible because no one can be.

The mood is predominantly conservative and narrow-minded: Do we get our privileged way of life at any cost, we take what we can as long as we can. Listening to the phrases of the motorists lobby groups, if oil prices rise by one cent, one has the finger on the pulse. It is pure denial. Facts such as climate change are accepted on an intellectual level, but ignored in practice.

They exist in a separate dimension in which we are powerless. But we can fight against price increases. Our standard of living should not affect anything. A foreseeable consequence of the European crisis: the best minds of the continent, the brightest and most energetic, whether old or young, think no more, because to seek a career in the public sector.

At best, they are involved off and on in a dignified protest movement. Mostly they retreat into their individual life and write from the community as verln. This withdrawal of talent from the civil service is the hallmark of decline. There will be good art of it. But from our captivity, we will not release it.

More courage in the maze of institutions and yet one longs to be to remain optimistic. Maybe just the urgency of the problems will ultimately bring us out of our current shameful torpor. How I wish the Europe of the future? First and foremost, it should consider themselves a community that share a common vision.

It should be fascinated to redesign the world to fight rather than ensure that everything remains as it is. In addition, the Union of the future be brave and positive, non-phobic and negative. Such a community would find for themselves political expression, even in the labyrinth of the institutions in which is no longer recognizable as one who carries real power.

It could even be so convincing that immigrants wanted to integrate their enthusiasm rather reluctant to live side by side her. How did a change of mind could be achieved? I have no idea and little hope. Europeans would naturally move away once and for all of the view that they are somehow superior and that their culture has given the height of human civilization and artistic perfection already expressed.

This arrogance is still there and is aimed at disintegrating damage. Even more crucial is that the idea should be erased, it go in life about to get through the accumulation of goods with a lovely partner application. Ultimately, I wish me well a profound shift in the view of what is meant by welfare, and in how life can be lived.

Openness, generosity and tolerance seem indispensable. But I should end my name better here. Even the attempt to express these thoughts seem to me to be a wasted effort. Nothing will happen. Discussions on the future of Europe are seriously depressing.

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