Sunday, January 23, 2011

Sacred Rota, the Pope speaks of "laxity" "And 'cause the failure of marriages

CITY 'OF THE VATICAN - Benedict XVI has returned today to ask the Catholic Church more seriously and be very strict in permitting the celebration of marriages and of examining the judicial canons that any request for invalidity: too many times, in fact, get married that there are no requirements needed, but often because the requirements were and you try to argue otherwise.

A theme touched on by the Italian courts, which in a ruling of the Supreme Court affirmed the principle of the impossibility of automatic annulment of marriages "long course" following the judgments of the Sacred Rota. There are two forms of laxity criticized by Ratzinger. For this reason, today officially opened the Year of the Judiciary of the Roman Rota, said that "we must ensure that you stop, to the extent possible, the vicious cycle that often occurs between the admission granted to marriage, without adequate preparation and a serious examination of the requirements for its celebration, and a judicial declaration that sometimes just as easy, but of opposite sign, in which the marriage is considered not only based on the finding of his failure.

" In the allocution to the Roman Rota, the Pope stressed the importance of the first pre-marriage courses promoted in the parishes. On the issue of admission to the wedding, the Pope recalled "the premarital examination" required to "determine that there is no impediment to the valid and licit celebration of marriage" and that should not be reduced to "a bureaucratic step which is to fill out a form questions on the basis of ritual.

" "It is a question - said Benedict XVI - Pastoral one occasion only, to be developed with all the seriousness and the attention it requires, in which, through a box full of respect and cordiality, the pastor tries to help the person to make a serious attempt before the truth about herself and her own human and Christian vocation to marriage.

" In this sense, the Pope, "the dialogue, always conducted separately with each of the two lovers, without detracting from the convenience of other interviews with the couple, requires a climate of complete sincerity, which will have to rely on the fact that the same Parties concerned are the first and the first bound in conscience to celebrate a marriage invalid.

" "In this way, the various means available for thorough preparation and verification, we can develop - has marked - an effective pastoral action aimed at preventing the marriage void." On this last point, which is the specific issue which is addressed by the Roman Rota, the Pope complained that "unfortunately there are still poor posture, how to identify the court's discretion to request the desired marriage with caution in decision to marry, thereby treating a question of ability with one that does not affect the validity, as regards the degree of practical wisdom with which he has taken a decision, however, is really double.

" "Even more serious - he said - would be the misunderstanding if we wanted to give effective incapacitating imprudent choices made during the marriage." Finally, "under the void for the exclusion of essential goods of marriage must also be a serious commitment because the judicial decisions reflect the truth about marriage, the same that should illuminate the time of admission to the wedding." "We must resist - asked Ratzinger to judges and lawyers of the Roman Rota - the temptation to transform the simple lack of husband and wife in their married life in defects of consent."

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