Thursday, July 28, 2011

Ways to eliminate famine in the Horn of Africa

Emaciated children, long lines of refugees in search of food on land desperately dry: it is the stigma of going through dramatic humanitarian situation in the Horn of Africa, experiencing an unprecedented drought. A crisis worse today than some years ago, and could worsen in the coming months, while the next rainy season is expected in October.

In the meantime, nearly 12 million people at risk of malnutrition. Wednesday, July 27, the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) had to meet the ambassadors of donor countries to take stock of the situation in Somalia, which suffered the brunt of drought and two regions which were reported by UN famine.

The goal: establish contingency plans, but also draw long-term solutions to manage crisis. If the actions are slow to emerge, the causes of evil, they are known for a while: so extreme drought, the worst for half a century, due to low rainfall which characterized the last two rainy seasons: the soaring prices of staple food, and conflicts and civil wars that punctuate the lives of these countries.

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