Saturday, May 7, 2011

September 11 and Osama: from probable to capacity

The end of Osama bin Laden, the officially-stamped by President George O'bush Barack, would close the chapter 11. It will not happen, of course, because it opens more questions than it would dissolve. But it is interesting in several respects. First, a dark story, very dark, can not be closed if its perpetrated by an equally obscure episode.

Second, the impudence of the highest world powers shows that they intend to pass on the story of "likely" (seasoned with the biggest lie, which is silence) to the improbable story. That is, believe they can digest to the world the story that the donkeys fly. We'll see if I can. Third, we hope that America is not represented by the helots dog dancing and celebrating in the streets of New York, we note that the dances for the killing of the enemy in the West were of the same type as those (who have caused the ' outrage throughout the Western mainstream) that followed in some cities in the Arab world, the collapse of the towers.

But I've noticed a lot of indignation in the Italian media. Does anyone have an idea about it?

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