Thursday, March 24, 2011

Who stand on the other side?

While the rising flames of the fires raging in much of North Africa to Egypt, promising to spread in the Arab world to the east and south, the immediate question arises: whose side you stand? For whom up to be a liberal Democrat and Republican in the West? Sure, it's easier to answer where not to. Certainly not the thieves with the autocrats or dictators Mubarak butchers its own people like Gaddafi (but attention to his Yemeni counterpart, the brute Saleh).

Of course, even with repressive states in the region, where the policing of bodies and / or manipulation of the minds fanatizzante by a clergy no less sharp-eyed men and held hostage (more) women, whose assets are now threatened as never before in the past by outbreaks handled in progress.

At this point - to democratic Western culture - it seems obvious to turn their world, to the West. But even this choice is made impossible by the spectacle of cynical opportunism that the policy of our field has been able to set up, practicing the rule of the great ancient theorized in small U.S.

Secretary of State John Foster Dulles in respect of Papa Doc Duvalier Caribbean cacique " Yes, it is a pig but it's my pig. " Whose follower Tony Blair, still a few days before the escape of Mubarak interviewed by a reporter for Sky as Special Envoy to the Middle East reminded "the profits services" rendered by the Egyptian President.

In short, the Western camp is absolutely not credible when he raises the banner of freedom and democracy after they have been bartered for decades and decades with priority vile, so you prop characters unwatchable for the sole purpose of maintaining balance and businessmen deemed advantageous.

Human horrors, chosen as privileged interlocutors, who now would like to cancel to better protect these balances & Business. Nell'umanitarista democratic attitude clear improvised Sarkozy, but even recognizable in attending chronic Obama. Silvio Berlusconi, the friend and companion of the worst of the worst natural inclination and vocation, that is not even bother to speak.

And love of country calls for pious lay veils over our country, famous home of acrobats and contortionists, hitherto unshakable ally of the Libyans and now a platform for the flight of bombers pouring bombs on Libyan targets. So what? The original application there can only be the answer - in a very different context - which gave a great Liberal John Maynard Keynes: "Being part of the educated middle classes." That is, discounting the subject of affinity Keynesian, these young Internet-literate and educated in Tunisia and Egypt (leaving Libya still largely tribal, thanks to his Rais) who brandished the communication networks and virtual hi-tech an extraordinary lever to break the domination of obscurantism and dell'accaparramento for spoliation.

Bloggers have done to counter the millions of web surfers, showing first in the decrepitude of themselves and their companies - at the same time - raising a formidable barrier against the entry of such archaisms return to fundamentalism or terrorism. Despite the disinformation campaigns of immediate, early stage movementists Tunisia and Egypt, wanted to make us believe, presenting the motion as a worrisome Trojan horse of anti-Western fanaticism.

Instead the work healthily destabilizing - Enlightenment can be said? - A change that has met its medium diffusion in social forums (such as the telegraph or television for 1848 in the Sixty-eight) is spreading in young companies in the Middle East, creating some plausible hope for a future in which new and neocrociati Mamelukes are finally sent back to their ancient shrines.

Maybe exposing the ridiculous nature, as well as disturbing and barbaric. This seems to be the true meaning of "revolution of bloggers" Cairo, in sequence with the "jasmine" Tunisia, where Western technology is at the service of redemption East. So the intervention of our Old World fox, wrapped in hypocrisy terminology of "no-fly zone" or "humanitarian wars", may even find their consent.

If - for the eternal heterogenesis of purpose - allowing the pollen of freedom, mass media information carried by the wind, to expand its effects more and more fruitful in what until yesterday was the area of the planet at a higher risk of destructive explosion of irrationality. Supports those pillars evergreen Bertrand Russell called "the wisdom of the West."

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