Friday, February 18, 2011

Tehran and Warsaw?

Whenever you see crowds on the streets of an Islamic country in the West triggered the conditioned reflex acquired in 1979 when Khomeini took power in Iran. Western public opinion is in fibrillation, because the opposition, sometimes violent, to Middle Eastern despots and kleptocrats, has markedly religious connotations, which, after the hysteria about the clashes of civilizations, justifies some shiver down my spine.

In Algeria, Palestine, Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Bahrain, etc.. Are precisely the religious parties (often clandestine and constantly harassed) to oppose the status quo and in some cases to win the election. This phenomenon, however, has a less sinister and more logical explanation than imagined.

The analogy is not with Iran, but with Poland's Solidarity. In Poland, opposition to the communists was inspired and supported the Church, because the regime was reluctant to persecute priests and parishes who for centuries maintained a hold on consciences. Became the refugium is the sacristy of the believers that no special anti-religious inspiration.

In the Arab world, as in communist Poland, the forms of association and assembly are related to public acceptance of religious activity, and then makes a virtue of necessity. Among others in the Middle East, many governments and rulers declare themselves devotees (unlike the Polish communists) so do not go beyond certain limits in the repression of religious leaders warn that unless a direct threat to his power.

In this way also keep alive the fears of Westerners. In good approximation Iman's the only public figures are relatively free to speak and not too veiled criticism of hurling the charge of everyday worries, helped by the systematic repression of all political liberals or left-hand that eliminated potential competitors.

No accident that the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt have never protested the arrests of opposition leaders not religious. Egypt is not Iran. Fortunately, in Egypt showed a fairly popular leader like Al Baradei and there are other characters (Amr Moussa, Arab League Secretary, the court Yahya al-Jamal, not to mention outsiders Wael Ghonim), and then there is hope that the fundamental drives are not overridden.

Al Baradei, who currently is the charming and denies presidential ambitions (but if you were to ask me ...), began boldly to kick in the shins to Mubarak for a year and it is he who made the bond between bloggers and various Islamic political opposition groups. The New York Times published a fascinating report on the history of this movement, the techniques of passive resistance and proselytizing on the Internet.

The Muslim Brotherhood and the religious parties were taken aback and did not even participate in either the organization or to the first street protests, often led by professionals with experience living and working abroad (unrelated to beards and turbans). This is the difference between Egypt and Iran in 2011, 1979.

In Iran it was the religious and rural populations and marginalized urban pull the sprint to Khomeini and then to support the abolition of all forms of internal dissent. Also today in the Arab world's Al Jazeera that broke the swampy banks of information (Faith and Minzolini nth degree) and induced mutation unthinkable in the minds of viewers.

But even if Islamic parties gain influence, it should be noted that within the live positions ranging from modernizers to traditionalists. Moreover, even in Italy there is a varied selection of religious politicians. Vendola is gay, homophobic fundamentalist Buttiglione is the Binetti as a hair shirt, Casini has two families, lay Marino is not homophobic, Formigoni has taken a vow of chastity, but do not be offended for the evenings of Arcor, Bindi do not know, do you .

Final consideration. The Revolution triumph in a blaze of crowds only in the dreams of romantics and dreamers. Just go with the memory of the Orange Revolution in Ukraine. The Defenestration of Mubarak does not eliminate the power of the military that make up a state within a state, with ramifications in every economic sector, a bit 'as the Communist parties in Europe in the Warsaw Pact.

Get rid of Mubarak is equivalent to getting rid of Jaruzelski leaving intact the communist power. The next phase will be characterized by the Arab Spring of counter-military, leaving Mubarak, have orchestrated a strategic retreat, but they have every intention to regroup for the counterattack once, cleared Tahrir Square, the guard will be low.

The dissolution of Parliament (a simulacrum of Parliament) and the taking of power by the military junta is a move very similar all'arrocco in this multi-dimensional chess game.

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