Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Reason of state (Libya)

Democracy means "government by the people" and its premise is the existence of an appropriate structure to manage the social and political conflicts. In a democracy, that structure is called the rule of law. The rule of law, those conflicts are considered and resolved, in fact, through the law and not of violence.

They are dictatorships, on the contrary, that use violence and the law on privilege. And the structure of dictatorships is indeed capable of managing conflicts, but does so precisely with the violence and repression. In many countries, this is reality. Libya is a dictatorship, it has been for 40 years.

Forty years during which Gaddafi has made the good and the bad weather. He placed bombs here and there, blew up nightclubs and airplanes. When it was suspected that the perpetrators of these attacks had been paid by him, Gaddafi refused to hand them legal protection and asked the International Court of Justice, a body that fundamentally disregarded, along with the entire international community, including the United Nations.

But then apologize and take responsibility for its compensation. Something missing? Ah yes, the two missiles fired close to Lampedusa, 1986. And the concentration camps where illegal immigrants are riunchiusi ... In recent years Gaddafi sees his end near, and that is why he tried to gain support by converting its image abroad.

He offered to companies of other States access to their resources, what we Italians, in thirty years of colonial rule, we never found, perhaps because we had never searching for us, Libya has always been "a box of sand "as he said at the time Gaetano Salvemini. But before the end of its biological, it seems now reached the end of his political hands of the same Libyan people oppressed by decades of military dictatorship.

And Italy has always held in this scenario to Libya as its close allies, even when we shot at his missiles. As a toy that you buy a child, then when you no longer use but great trouble if you throw it away. This is a summary of the relationship between the two countries, as evidenced by the famous phone call to Gaddafi Craxi and Andreotti, who warned of the impending attack by bombers of President Reagan.

In a move that allowed the dictator to live another 25 years. And to oppress and suppress the same time. The attitude of today is not at all changed. Gaddafi is not only a foreign head of state, is also a friend of our Prime Minister, who kisses his hand and pays the hostess. Then when the earthquake broke out in Tripoli, Berlusconi did not call "not to disturb him." And Frattini, who - I am sorry, because I've always rated - for some time it seems more the servant of a master a foreign minister urges EU not to intervene in Libya because the process of democratic growth of country can not be imported, but must be carried out independently.

The result is blood and death. It 's so that democracies defend the values of the rule of law on which they are based? Ill-concealed hiding behind the friendly relations with a dictator who needs to hire mercenaries to quell a popular uprising in violence? Do not forget that these mercenaries, paid for with money Gaddafi, also indirectly receive our money: what the Italian government has given and promised, in the impressive size of 200 million dollars a year in exchange for enormous privileges of nature economic, but now the stakes are the survival of his bloody regime.

The box of sand hath been broken. This is a fact. But it is shameful that the state of Italian law shows more consistent with a violent dictator with Europe. Unlike yesterday and the day before yesterday, today the Government was put into a state of alert. The Anglo-Saxons would say: too little, too late.

I think so.

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