Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Down Arms

Christina Taylor Green was born as the twin towers collapsed. On the day that the country had discovered his weakness, John Green and Roxanne had looked into the face of life through the eyes of their child. "I was born on that day, I got something good in the world that day." Christina repeated so often on his birthday.

Just over nine years and many dreams, including that of politics. As Gabrielle Giffords. Christina was listening when one of the bullets fired by a boy not much older than her, has stopped the heart. And dreams. Christina's smiling face is a shot in the stomach, as well as that of Jarod Loughner, twenty-two last Saturday, the bomber shot wounding Tucson America.

Two shots to the stomach: Christina, for sweetness, happy smile and bright eyes that seem to talk to you about that better world which she would have helped to build, Jarod, for clear signs of mental imbalance, and translated into eyed grin on one side no longer even a shadow of normal adolescence.

Jarod shot and killed and, perhaps, his "reasons" will remain forever buried in some remote corner of his mind where one day, somehow, that blond woman, was sentenced to death. And you can certainly think that the poison of political debate has weighed on such a gesture. And maybe he did.

You may also feel that the list with the "targets to hit," compiled by Sarah Palin and that was the name of Giffords, was inappropriate and far from any sense of democracy. It certainly is. You could say that the fact that Arizona has had, to hurry, pass a law to prevent, at the funeral of Christina, the manifestation of the representatives of the Westboro Baptist Church (known for his extremist views against gays and against 'abortion) who wish to exhibit signs praising Jarod as a "mandate from God to clean up," is confirmation of what hatred can blind reason.

And do not you run the risk of making mistakes. Much can be said and much is being said at this time and will continue to say for sure. And, perhaps, will lower the tone. And, perhaps, Glenn Beck and Sharron Angle and company stop incitement to violence as a solution "acceptable" in a few moments.

Or maybe not. What, however, should, in my opinion, no question in a serious manner is a need for a policy that limits the possession of weapons, the real scourge of this country, particularly in states like Arizona or Texas. If a boy with mental and behavioral problems can go into a store and buy a gun with no other reason than to have the money to do it, then there should not be surprised to tragedies like this.

And continue to say that having a weapon used to feel safer, has the same sound false to say that the death penalty serves to reduce crime. I am very happy for that, to live in New York where even the police chief has always adamantly determined to keep tight control on the possession of weapons.

Jimmy Sands Fire Department of New York flew to Tucson to salute the American flag with Christina September 11, survived the collapse of the towers. That flag, once again, witness to an innocent death, not even the reason for terrorism. Only one of madness and a handgun, bought on a given day, in a store anywhere from a young patient whose smile disturbing not upset, unfortunately, the dreams of sellers to death.

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