Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Baptists and France militant ignorance

The letter more difficult, ticklish, Bernard-Henri Lévy would not write it due to President Lula, but inquire about the history of the Italian President Napolitano. I am not aware he did it. The gesture would have been more difficult and thorny to visit, as well as Cesare Battisti, its victims. I am not aware has done that either.

Or who have done similar things Philippe Sollers, Daniel Pennac, Fred Vargas, and the many French who look to Italy as a country of monkeys, no decent judges: beautiful incivilissimo, Stendhal said. The French are concerned aesthetes and very selective: the mafia culture of lawlessness or dilated by Berlusconi, never raising their voices.

We use the word scandalous because it literally comes to dig, look below the surface. With its jubilant statements and the letter to Lula, Levy thinks that he had thought, close reasoning in a mug like a dish that heats up from time to time. It did not take even a shovel, to move the earth in the manner in which Rilke, contemplating the dark, "and listen as the night s'inconca s'incava.

Dance on the surface, take the easy way assuming unconventional. He thinks he's singing out a chorus. Such actions discredit gestures made by him and others in Bosnia, Chechnya, Rwanda. The combination of the face of Sakineh that of Battisti, on its website, it is blasphemy. Show radical inability to understand the evil inflicted on the innocent.

It is not the real suffering of interest, when the fascination with a murderess is so compelling, well pleased. André Glucksmann, close to Levy, he never sang in the choir. Battisti is not even a terrorist, for those who support it. Lévy calls him an "ancien enrage writer now." The Enrages (literally, "the angry") were the most extreme in the French Revolution.

Philippe Sollers baptized him "revolutionary hero". Others, citing Céline, refute the verdicts issued against "collective man of no importance, a simple person," as if justice concernesse other than the individual. The only writer to have become the transforms, the serves. It turns into intelligent, as if the title was enough to hoist the height of Zola and who, between 1895 and 1906, defended Captain Dreyfus.

The fact, as long as the facts count, is that Baptists are not only intelligent. It was a common criminal as long as a convenience to you disguised as a revolutionary, joining the Pac (Armed Proletarians for Communism). Escaped from prison, was sentenced in absentia for killing three men and contributed to a fourth murder, between '78 and '79, and three sets of proceedings was assisted by lawyers instructed by him.

81 had fled to Paris taking advantage of the doctrine Mitterrand, abject misrepresented. In fact, the President was clear, when he exhibited the February 22 and April 20 '85: asylum offered absolutely excluded "those who were guilty of crimes of blood" or "apparent complicity in the events of blood," and concerned differentiated the supporters of terrorism.

Intellectuals mobilitatisi heirs to Baptists not only imagine but Dreyfusard moralistes of French who lived in the '500 and '700. The moralists were not the morals, but described the crooked nature of man, even by his own, with pitiless irony. I think of Montaigne, La Rochefoucauld, Pascal, Vauvenargues Chamfort.

In their alleged heirs did not miss this ruthless and unconventional look, when they whipped their being Communists: the "new philosophers" Solzhenitsyn understood long before the Italians, the Germans. But squint a singular afflicts them: even more complicated, if not impossible, is to deepen even more self-examination.

When handling the concept of revolutionary or intellectual acumen decreases. Have guillotined the king is unchanged reason for pride, which makes them superior to any European. Even universalism, of which the French have, makes them blind to its limits, unable to learn. Their contribution to the European Union is a mixture of nationalism and universalism decorative effect.

There are principles to the point made sacred to ossify and die like stars that shine for us even though they are long dead. Many disputes occur among French intellectuals. They do not speak for Europe nor the world, to whom ignorance is often abysmal. It is ignorance that tried to describe militant March 14, 2004 in Le Monde, in an open letter to the Baptists French friends, but we know that words are not informative when you do not want to know and live in the performative (as long as I say one thing and the thing is, even if contradicted by the facts).

What we want to ignore is how the justice in Italy, its independence much more solid than in France, the struggle against the Mafia magistrates conduct, corruption, politics reduced to private profit. Ignorance is not naive but cultivated activist. Had similar forms even in '68, a '68 that the French, the wisest, were able to stop before degenerating into terrorism.

Having stopped in time, however, know nothing of its pitfalls, the value of the law. Not by chance they speak the same language many Marxists finished with Berlusconi. The libertarian spirit of '68, making him upset libertines. The contempt of the institutions of the Constitution, the judiciary, many French intellectuals and common perversely Berlusconi same attacks on judges and the "judicial theorems, the same instinct to speak of Baptists as an accused or a scapegoat, not a convict.

No wonder that a few months ago a minister in Berlusconi has told: "Battisti is a horrible character, and do not understand why we should make you jump for joy at the prospect of having to keep us in our jails for years." Speaking to the Italians, Levy invites us to "turn the page on the years of lead", or at least think about it "without passion, fairness, avoiding the terrible logic of the scapegoat." It is an old story that the Italians know: better turn the pages of fascism, of the massacres, "Clean Hands", the murder of Falcone, Borsellino, their heroic stocks.

But the pages turn by recalling and Justice (clemency comes after the verdicts), otherwise they remain there, lethal infection. Or do you just turn and, like fools or enrolled Ignorance, two categories so similar. Even Jesus had trouble with the stupid. There's a said Muslim, quoted by Chialà Sabino, who confesses: "I have healed the lame, the blind as well.

I could not with the stupid" (the sayings of Jesus, Islamic, Mondadori). Of militant ignorance and stupid we do not need to come from outside: we already have so much at home. The amalgamation created between terrorism, mafia, corruption, disregard for the judiciary: it is an old page to turn.

It is this that we live slimy. All of these events, the French do not understand. Despite having accomplished the revolution and called every man alike - citoyen - the spirit of caste is tough. If you are an intellectual have special immunity, even if you kill your wife as the philosopher Althusser.

Tocqueville was already intolerable mixture between French politicians and scholars. It is part of the abstractness of literature (the most infamous perhaps) consider the ex-terrorists defeated, defeated by history. Defeated are those who beat out having been a fighter, regular or guerrilla, or a real enrage.

The respect is due: he will rebuild with an order. The years of lead were not a civil war. Were a criminal history, like much of Italian history.

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