Sunday, March 13, 2011

The terrible season of major risks

The Japanese giant catastrophe reminds us that we have entered more than two decades in the era of large risks. Of all kinds: first of all geological and climate, the age of melting glaciers, majestic volcanoes, earthquakes of high magnitude and tsunamis, the tsunami, the tsunami. The clash between the continental shelves and the resulting ruins, the victims, hundreds of thousands homeless.

It seems that the deep forces of the earth are all together and are awakened by sending air balance achieved for centuries and millennia endangering the survival of many species of plants and animals. It seems that the gods have withdrawn beyond the atmosphere surrounding the planet in distant galaxies beyond space and over time.

Our species suffer from loneliness in a world increasingly crowded. It is a paradox: the more the world of our city is crowded and more and we feel we are alone, anonymous, fearful, quarrelsome. Without hope in the future without memory of the past, rolled up a present increasingly precarious.

This time he sees swing all reality has set in motion positive energy: exceptional creativity and inventiveness, an increase of wealth that has no equal, a desire for freedom and rights that protect. The African revolution emerged suddenly two months ago involving a territory that extends from the side of the Atlantic to the Indian Ocean.

The authors are young men and women. They want bread and freedom, but they are not ignorant populace, their collection points and communication sites are "web", the means of struggle are the latest technology and more widespread. The tide raised by this positive energy we call "tsunami" because his social and political force has an intensity similar to the geological phenomenon that disrupts the oceans.

Bread and Freedom is a wave that sweeps corrupt tyrannies, mummified traditions, with equal claim to freedom, overflows into the territories of ancient wealth. Globalization and technology have entered into the social physical law of communicating vessels. Immigration from poor lands to rich land is the "tsunami" social.

Think of lock is an illusion and we must govern by adjusting to the possible, diluting it in time but meanwhile preparing for the inevitable. In the land of cataclysms one machine (or should) to build houses earthquake-resistant skyscrapers railways, one in the social machine (or should) cultivating the reception policy, a different division of labor, a different conception of citizenship.

Those who believe that by building dams cemented by the intransigence of cardboard can stem that tide, but will make it even more destructive. Major geological hazards but also economic and social. It will be a chance, but leads us to reflect: one of the biggest crisis that has shaken the world economy starting with the American mortgages and spreading with incredible speed across the planet, it coincides with major earthquakes, with the climate crisis, with the revolutions in Africa .

The effects of the latter triggered the price of oil, as well as the Japanese earthquake is endangering the country's nuclear power stations despite the modern technology that is supposed to protect from any accident. The stock exchanges around the world are suffering even more after these events.

That's why we should be aware, you need to prepare themselves, we must select targets and the scale of priorities. A new scale of priorities, without which we are not actors but this time acting out of mobile, helpless and passive victims of events that dominate us. * To stay on the subject of major risks, even on a domestic dimension, one can not but point out the constitutional reform of justice, passed since the last Council of Ministers and the imminent submission to Parliament.

Great risk and explain why. The reform did not affect the processes of the Prime Minister. So we can discuss it "as if Berlusconi does not exist." Even so, the risks are lower, as the reform is not merely to amend the judiciary but upset the constitutional order. The hinges of the Alfano law are as follows: - Article 104 of the Constitution in its current form, states that "the judiciary is an autonomous and independent from any other power." The Reform Act eliminates this provision with the result that the constitutional powers be reduced from the current three to two only, the legislative and the executive.

- Article 104 bis contained in the Reform Act splits the Higher Judicial Council, one for the judges, the other for prosecutors. The members of "stipendiary" of the two CSM, which is currently equal to two thirds of the members are reduced to half the members elected by Parliament and is the other half.

The togas are drawn and no longer elected. (I wonder why they are not even drawn members of Parliament. If you want to ensure equal treatment should apply the same method of the survey also elected by the Parliament). - The President of the Republic remains at the helm of both the CSM, the Vice-Presidents are elected from among members of parliament.

The consequence is that the lay members of the two CSM is half plus one. (I wonder why these two colleges will continue to be called the Superior Council of Magistracy, as both judges will be in the minority). - Article 105 bis of the Court establishing a framework by removing this task to the current CSM.

This Court has also composed half and half by the stipendiary elected by Parliament. Vice-President of the Court is elected from among members of Parliament. So even a majority in the Court of discipline is made up of parliamentarians. The MPs on the other hand are elected by Parliament by simple majority, so there is no representative of the opposition between them.

- Article 109: "The judge and the prosecutor have the police in the manner prescribed by law (ordinary). - Article 111: "The judgments of acquittal at first instance can be appealed only in cases prescribed by law (ordinary). - Article 112: "The office of the prosecutor is obliged to prosecute under the criteria established by law (ordinary).

- Article 113 bis: "The magistrates are directly responsible for acts committed in violation of the equal rights of other employees of the State." This law of constitutional reform that relies on the following important points in ordinary laws that change the root evade the judicial system in this way the procedure for constitutional changes.

It is a cunning that puts a simple majority issues that should be vice versa also entrusted to qualified majority voting and the referendum. But this is not only the judiciary. The amendments concern the whole structure of our Constitution, the principles which underpin it configured in the first part of the Charter, the equality of citizens before the law, the balance between independent powers and the rule of law.

Is abolished one of the fundamental powers will clear the dependence of the judiciary police, the mandatory penalty is abolished, the fundamental assumption of the independence of the judiciary. Are finally abolished the powers of the CSM of self-government, transformed into an organ whose majority is determined by the parliamentary majority.

Everything in the presence of an electoral law under which the relative majority emerged from the election gets 55 percent of the seats. All of these standards becomes parliamentary democracy in a democracy (so to speak) is dominated by the executive, ie the dictatorship of the majority.

Alexis de Tocqueville so often cited by Berlusconi said that the dictatorship of the majority is the worst thing that can happen in a democratic country. There is therefore no basis for discussion because the PDL and the League have announced that they will listen to the opposition but will not accept that the core of this reform are changed.

You just have to go and vote against the referendum. You will see then if the opposition will be united or separated. Before you, the better. I too say: if not now, when? POSTSCRIPT. Major Hazards was also the title of the program Annozero conducted last Thursday by Michele Santoro. The guest of honor was the economy minister, Giulio Tremonti, the interlocutors Fausto Bertinotti, Ferruccio De Bortoli and me.

The debate had the advantage of taking place without the screaming that all too often become quarrelsome appointments television decomposed bullfighting arenas. Both sides could argue their positions and the comparison is done civilly, not without some bitterness that has served to highlight the diversity of thoughts, diagnosis and treatment proposals.

The position of the minister - as long we know - is aligned with the objective of the European institutions and even recommend imposing strict budgets, decrease the deficit and public debt. Those same institutions but also recommend to combine the rigor with growth, but to this ear, the Minister of Economy is rather dull.

Only proposes reforms without charge. Both sides noted that despite all the talk that if it does, the Italian economy continues to record for many years a flat encephalogram for economic growth. In addition we have just entered a phase of heightened inflation, recession, inflation is once again became a present danger and is a true regressive tax that affects the fixed income and the weaker it erodes the purchasing power of consumers and discourages investment.

To avoid inflation, the European Central Bank has announced an increase for next April in the interest rate that will impact on rates throughout the European banking system. So we will have a disastrous combination of inflation and recession, the worst thing that can happen in an economy already severely debilitated.

I personally believe that to match the rigor with growth there is no other way to obtain new resources to help by calling the less affluent taxpayers and taxing financial income. They were obtained by sufficient resources to raise both consumption and investment. During the debate, Tremonti has not had time (or inclination?) To accept this proposal.

I would be happy for it to do.

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