Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Billionaire Warren Buffett calls for a tax increase for the richest

American billionaire Warren Buffett has launched a stir by calling Monday, August 15 at higher taxes for the wealthiest in the United States, in an article published by The New York Times. This is not the first time investor, nicknamed the "Oracle of Omaha" for his often wise investments, requires extra effort on the part of "mégariches".

But his call on "Stop coddling the super rich" and that made the rounds on the Internet, took a particular resonance in an economic context troubled by the sovereign debt crisis and the lowering of the American note.

A bipartisan commission of Congress who is currently studying ways to reduce the U.S. deficit and present its proposals in the fall, Warren Buffett proposes to increase the tax rate immediately taxable income in excess of one million dollars. "My friends and I have too long been spoiled by a Congress on good terms with the billionaires. It is time for our government to take seriously the sharing of sacrifices," wrote Warren Buffett.

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