Tuesday, February 22, 2011

The only challenge to speak in China

Referring to the events of yesterday, the Chinese press ridiculed the initiative "a few stirred" (Global Times), or "irresponsible elements" (People's Daily). For most observers, even though many elements contribute to stoke anger among the Chinese population - regime stifling dissent, corruption, nepotism, widening gap between rich and poor - the country does not seem to be won by the protest movement that affects the Arab world.

"I do not think China will be the next domino," said Perry Link, and of the University of California: "If you add up the fringes of the population who are bullied have been purchased, indoctrinated, which revolt well, but are not organized ... there is not a sufficient to make a domino, "he said.

Another difference with the Egyptians, Tunisia and Libya, the power in Communist China is neither personal nor dynastic. "Here no one could say 'Hu Jintao released!" explains Jean-Louis Rocca, on the head of state, "Hu Jintao has no personal power", since it is the head of the Political Bureau.

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