Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Franco-German photographer wounded died in Tunis

According to information provided by his employer, the European press photography (EPA), based in Frankfurt, the Franco-German photographer Lucas Mebrouk Dolega, 32, seriously injured Friday in Tunis, died Monday, Jan. 17. The agency said the information taken from the French embassy in Tunis and the family of the photographer.

The photojournalist, born in Paris of a German mother, journalist, and French father, a doctor, covered the events in Tunis before the Ministry of the Interior, when he was hit early Friday afternoon by a tear gas drawn "point blank" by a police officer, as a colleague, Julien Muguet. Hit in the eye and the left temple, he was operated on in the evening at the National Institute of Neurosurgery of Tunis.

The journalist worked for EPA since April 2006. France deplored the violence Monday a "disproportionate" and asked that "all light" is made into the circumstances of his death. "As the French authorities have recalled over the recent events in Tunisia, nothing can justify the use of violence also disproportionately against demonstrators and journalists," said the spokesman of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Bernard Valero.

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