Sunday, January 9, 2011

Explodes the bread riots in Tala killed four demonstrators

TUNIS - While continuing clashes between demonstrators and security forces in Algeria, the bread riots explodes in Tunisia. At least four people were killed and six others were seriously wounded by shots of firearms incidents in the night in the city center-west of Tala. Yesterday, a street vendor had set fire to Sidi Bouzid and four protesters were injured in clashes with security forces in Rgeb, a town 210 kilometers west of Tunis.

Belgacem Sayhi, a union school, told Agence France Presse that in the center of the Tala police opened fire on demonstrators. The victims are Jomni Marwan, 20, Boulaaba Ahmed, 30, Mohamed Omri, 17, and Boulaaba Nouri, 30, as confirmed by two sources who requested anonymity. Among the injured, six were in critical condition and were transferred to a hospital in Kasserine, the capital of the region where, in other clashes, was killed a child of 12 years.

This news, however, was not confirmed by local authorities.

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