Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Revolt in Egypt. US: Mubarak has to go

Mubarak has to go, even the U.S. government is at least in the medium to his departure - but then shot the American special envoy to Cairo across, praised the Egyptian president. A "diplomatic total failure" who reveals the dilemma of Washington. All have had fire extinguishers: people who are to escape a fire before the flames shoot too high.

The more serious the crisis, the senior firefighter. So the situation must be pretty serious in Washington if the administration of U.S. President John Kerry Barack Obama now unleashing, after all, former presidential candidate and now chairman of the powerful Foreign Affairs Committee in the U.S.

Senate. Kerry is sitting at the table on Sunday in "Meet the Press," the main political talk show in the U.S., and he wants to dispel any doubt that Obama's team knows exactly what it is doing now with regard to Egypt. "The U.S. position is crystal clear," insists the Democrat. Always it had gone to a new course on the Nile and a departure of the Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, though a dignified.

Does the diplomat Frank Wisner as well so the Obama has just sent to negotiate with Mubarak in Cairo? Since Kerry is cool, "Mr. Wisner's comments do not reflect what this government communicates from the first day of the crisis." Wisner's comments, this is the fire that will leave Kerry.

They amazed on Saturday, the illustrious group of the Munich Security Conference. Fresh back from Cairo, Wisner announced to the assembled statesmen and diplomats by video-conference circuit astonishing: "I believe that President Mubarak's leadership is more important," he said. Mubarak of Egypt have served for 60 years, now is the perfect moment for him, the country to show the way forward.

With Mubarak in the future? This sounded very different from the latest sounds from Washington. and do make more on the side of the protesters - and more clearly, the U.S. signaled last fact that they see the former top allies Mubarak as a legacy of history. "Inspiring" Obama described the protest movement, he spoke almost Mubarak in the past tense.

In an interview with Fox News, he just said, Egypt would never be the same again. When exactly would be selling Mubarak, but leaves open gently and Obama - because his environment has come to the conclusion that too much pressure could only complicate a peaceful solution. Even so excited Wisner of the remarks so much attention.

Astonished European ambassadors in Cairo, request, also solved the utterances from a small political earthquake. The remark has caused a lot of confusion in his country, said the Egyptian opposition leader Mohamed ElBaradei. Western diplomats were also surprised when the first reports were on Saturday evening on the TV channels.

Mainly European ambassador called on to its U.S. counterpart Margaret Scobey, which resides just a few meters from Tahrir Square, the heart of the political turmoil. But the American ambassador could not help - neither you nor with the U.S. State Department had denied Wisner's words. One could describe the statements as "diplomatic total failure," said a European ambassador.

The controversy surrounding Wisner's words as Hillary Clinton tried to play down quickly stresses, but only America's dilemma. The departure of the "devil we know" (the "New York Times) Washington's hard to law. Mubarak urged American diplomats in the past, like his country would plunge into chaos if he retiring.

For a long time it was a strong argument: Egypt was considered a successful model of realpolitik. After his break with the Soviet Union in the mid seventies, Egypt, America's most important ally in the Arab world. The country was open to the Suez Canal, it made peace with Israel, and later took part in the fight against terror.

But the United States paid in the past 30 years, support of around 70 billion dollars to Egypt. Washington bought the supposed stability. Diplomat Wisner was also sent to Cairo, because he clearly saw this benefit. An experienced diplomat and businessman whose father co-founded the CIA, is considered a confidant of Mubarak.

Wisner, 72, comes from a generation that had no problems with Diktatn while they were only America Diktatn. He belongs to the generation of the former U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger and now warns worried: ". We are experiencing the greatest change since the second world war" "An error of historic greatness" It's not just about Mubarak.

Tricky is that Obama's team apparently has representatives of the Muslim Brotherhood as part of a transitional government acceptable. "This will be discussed at the White House completely non-ideological," says Middle East expert Brian Katulis of the Center for American Progress in Washington, who was invited to a strategy meeting of the Egypt-US government.

But on the other hand doth already resistance. "The Muslim Brotherhood is a radical group of which it is primarily a matter of applying the Sharia," says former Republican presidential candidate John McCain SPIEGEL. involve your representative is, a mistake of historic size. The Obama administration is ill-prepared for such debates.

Katulis has for months pointed to the threat of government employees Egypt crisis. But it was hard to find for this hearing, "there are too many other recent crises. How strongly alters a revolution in Egypt, the situation in the Middle East, has never been played sensibly. Image problem for the Nobel Peace Now also threatens an image problem.

Obama, the Nobel Peace Prize winner, looks for some demonstrators in Cairo as one who mourns the despot like Mubarak. After all, the Democrat bit back in his own speech to the Islamic world in Cairo in 2009 open criticism of Egypt's democracy deficit - unlike George W. Bush 's Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice during a speech there 2005th When the protests erupted two weeks ago, Obama responded only emphasizes restraint, his Foreign Minister, Clinton initially said no to a "stable" situation in Egypt.

Sympathetic observers say that Obama has wisely after the preacher tone of the Bush years held back - so that form could be an Egyptian opposition movement, denounced the home were not the same as agents of America. On the streets of Cairo his reserve but could now be interpreted as cuddling with Diktatn.

Washington wants to counter the influence of lift. They want to be on the right side of history, it is always in the U.S. capital. Wisner's gentle words for Mubarak disturb it. On the other hand, know the Obama administration is expected to contain some truth. On the return flight from Munich lectured Secretary Clinton, too rapid Mubarak detachment could hinder the transition process.

For then would have to be made within 60 days of elections. Some Egyptian opposition, so Clinton would not consider the time frame is sufficient.

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