Sunday, February 13, 2011

Fourth release of the Army of Egypt

"In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful, the fourth statement of the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces. In light of the conditions that exist in the country and hard times that have put Egypt in a moment that requires all defend stability of the nation and the achievements of the people, because the current stage requires a reordering of priorities of the State to meet the legitimate demands of the people.

Just as the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces is aware that the law is not only necessary for freedom of the individual, but is the only legitimate basis of authority. And with determination, clarity, and faith in all our national responsibilities, regional and international recognition of the rights of God and in God's name , and with your support, the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces announced the following: First.

The Supreme Council of the Armed Forces is committed to all issues included in its previous statements. Second. The Supreme Council of the Armed Forces have confidence in the ability of the Egyptian people and institutions to overcome this critical situation, and for this, all state agencies and the private sector must play its role noble and patriotic and drive the economy forward and take responsibility for achieving this objective.

Third. The current government and the governors will continue as an interim administration until a new government is formed. Room. The Supreme Council of the Armed Forces is aimed at ensuring a peaceful transition in a free and democratic system that allows the assumption of authority by a civil authority and elected to govern the country and build a democratic and free.

Quinto. The Arab Republic of Egypt is committed to all regional and international obligations and treaties. Sixth. The Supreme Council of the Armed Forces asked the great Egyptian people cooperate with their brothers and children in the civil police, affection and cooperation that should exist between all and calls on civil forces committed to its motto "the police serve the people.

God is the source of success. "

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