Tuesday, January 25, 2011

China qualifies as a success of Hu's visit to Washington

After the return of Chinese President Hu Jintao, his country after a four-day visit to the United States, the official press unanimously called the trip a success not to mention the instances that was to respect human rights. For the newspaper Global Times, "Hu's visit opens a new chapter in relations between the first and second economic power." It is generally believed that in this new era, China and the United States need to strengthen their political and economic relations "says the paper, noting that" during the visit, the two countries agreed to build a cooperative partnership based on respect and mutual benefit.

" The official news agency Xinhua published a brief note following the return of his country's representative to explain the agenda of the visit and signed documents. And then a scan to open the main capitals of the country, as the official "China Daily", which includes the words chief diplomat of China, Yang Jiechi, on his return trip.

According to Yang Hu's visit to the United States "has brought many fruits and opened a new chapter in cooperation between the two countries." The last visit of Chinese President as leader of the second economic power in the middle of global economic recovery has been different from the last one held in 2006, and that due to the mutual economic dependency this time Hu has been treated with honors, 21 guns and included a gala dinner attended by politicians, entertainers and entrepreneurs.

The Foreign Minister noted that "U.S. and international media have given great importance to the visit and spoke highly of Hu's trip, calling it a turning point in history, whose importance is manifested in all the pomp and ceremony offered by the U.S. government. " The visit, Yang continued, "has been a great influence around the world", and then termed it as "a diplomatic step has obtained abundant fruits." China, in Yang's words, presented a picture of "peace, development, openness and progress" with the visit of Hu, the face of criticism it receives in the country by undermining U.S.

labor market to their exports or their violations rights. Yang went on tiptoe on the human rights issue, one of the thorniest between the two powers, stating only that "some visible differences remain on some issues." Although the Nobel Peace Prize 2009, Barack Obama avoided mentioning the situation of a successor to the award in 2010, the Chinese political prisoner Liu Xiaobo, in his meetings with Chinese President Hu himself had to respond to criticism by imprisonment Liu and other dissidents in his appearance before Congress.

Along with this aspect, the media avoids mentioning China demonstrations also took place against the White House in favor of human rights in China and Tibetan independence while meeting the two leaders. The growing presence of China in Latin America is continuously monitored by the United States who does not want to lose its "special relationship" with the region or that it shakes its historic dependence on trade and economic, which still remains with strength.

United States remains the largest trading partner in Latin American countries and its main connection "cultural", and it is difficult that could change in the short to medium term, but the new presence of China as a major global economic player can rebalance the forces in Washington has always considered its "backyard" and that creates a certain uneasiness, if not outright discomfort, in the most conservative of American politics.

Perhaps that is why China, which has increased its trade with the area in recent years exponentially, in search of the coveted raw materials needed for their own economic growth, moves into Latin America with extreme caution, avoiding any expression that can irritate or provoke a confrontation with Washington.

"It is true that the U.S. perceives China's presence in Latin America as a threat. We believe, however, which may benefit their economies and help create jobs in the area, "said Secretary of State for American Affairs, Arturo Valenzuela, during a recent visit to Beijing. Valenzuela emphasized that Latin America as a whole now represents only 5% of China's total trade, while the U.S.

trade relationship in the same area round 40 percent. "So there is plenty of room to grow that relationship." In fact, the increase of China's trade with Latin America has helped to stabilize these economies and support the development of these countries, which also benefits Washington.

The Chinese economic landing in Latin America has coincided with a relative loss of interest from Washington, dump, following the S-11, in the fight against terrorism and the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. This relative drop in the intensity of relationships, always denounced as a threat by the most conservative of the two sides, does not mean that the White House or Congress ceased to be very attentive to what happens in American life.

Beijing appears to be fully aware of this and insists that his interest is purely commercial, without any ideological connotation and, of course, military. In fact remains that Russia has agreements on military cooperation and arms sales in the area, while China kept strictly away from the field.

The area can produce more friction is, according to most experts in the related oil reserves. China accounts for more than 40% growth in global energy demand in Latin America and seeks not only soybeans and copper, but also agreements that guarantee the supply of oil investments that facilitate access to existing or potential reserves.

United States, which has frustrated some maneuver Beijing and to control any American company in the sector, look closely at their progress, particularly in Brazil or Argentina. The third side of the triangle, Latin America, does not hide his enthusiasm for the emergence of China as a trading partner.

It is true that some critics that the region exported almost exclusively raw materials while importing manufactured goods (the Chinese average wage is about a quarter of the average wage in Latin America), but it is also true that this problem (and the consequent difficulty in competing with China in the U.S.

home market) affects all, for now, Mexico and Central America. Most South American countries think, however, that economic growth in China has been his life raft off the latest crisis, which may be your best help to continue to support its development and a gradual rebalancing of influences.

China has become the overnight, the main trading partner of several Latin American countries. It is, for example, the destination of 20% and 15% of exports from Chile or Peru or 13% or 14% of Brazilian and Argentine exports. Nothing seems to keep that relationship might go from strength to strength in the coming years.

What quedaDurante four-day visit to Washington and Chicago, Chinese President Hu Jintao met with his U.S. counterpart, Barack Obama, and Vice President Joseph Biden, among other senior officials, besides visiting Chinese investment and a Confucius Institute to support teaching Mandarin Chinese contributions to the economy and U.S.

culture. And also closed several contracts with the U.S. president with a value of 45 billion dollars, including the purchase of China Boeing 200 aircraft.

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