Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Arizona looking for a law prohba protests during the funerals of Tucson

Arizona Capitol today is expected to approve a law banning demonstrations in less than 90 meters at the funerals of the victims of the bombing of Tucson after the fanatical Reverend Fred Phelps of Westboro Baptist Church, a video posted on YouTube in which he thanked the actions of the gunman. Following his insane logic that the U.S.

is being punished for allowing abortion or gay marriage, among others, the Rev. often leads to their faithful lit mostly his own large family, to the burials and funerals of soldiers fallen in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan to show that their deaths are God's anger because they violate divine laws.

The funeral for the little nine year old Christina Green is scheduled for Thursday afternoon and Tucson residents have already ensured that they will not allow anything or anyone disturb peace and the respect due to the soul of Christina and parents family of the victim. "By God, we're talking about the death of a child," said Laura indignantly Morgans.

Christin Gilmer is part of a group called Angel Action, a small organization that counters the actions of the Church of Rev. Phelps. "They tend to be 15 people that are expressed with very graphic and insulting messages very seriously," says Gilmer. "We usually double that number of people and blocked with angel wings to be seen." For several hours, Angel Action also seeks to block access to Facebook's followers with this other page Phelps

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