Monday, January 3, 2011

After the battlements of the fish Moria animals in Arkansas

ARKANSAS - Thousands of fish are dying in Arkansas, USA. After the plague of blackbirds, more than five thousand literally falling from the sky to Beebe, this time to die are the fish-drum. The state officials are investigating the possible causes of this epidemic that hit the river species in the north-west, flowing Arkansas.

"The dead fish covering the banks for about 32 km near the town of Ozark," said Keith Stephens Arkansas game and fish commission to CNN. The first dead fish were found Thursday, and since then have continued to increase to 100,000. Officials are conducting tests to understand what the cause.

"If it was due to a contaminant of water, would have affected all kinds, not just the drum fish. This theory was quickly discarded," said Stephens. The outbreak of fish occurred 200 miles from Beebe, also in Arkansas, where on Dec. 31 fell from the sky over 5,000 dead blackbirds. Officials are still investigating the mysterious death of the birds.

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